How quick can camera vans "get" you...?!

Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
edited August 2009 in The bottom bracket
Anyone know how fast a camera van can clock you? Just went over the brow of a hill on the A39 into Truro (just after an overtaking section) and there was a van about 1/4 of a mile away. Was doing 75-80ish but saw it very quickly and slowed to 55ish within a couple of seconds(it's a 60 limit). Doh!! Properly sneaky placement.


  • El Gordo
    El Gordo Posts: 394
    Apparently if you can see the van then they can 'get' you. If the guy behind the camera is crafty he may be aiming at the brow of the hill for that very reason. All you can do is wait and see if the envelope drops on your mat.
  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    Done some checking - it seems that the laser range is massive but the camera/visual range is only 500m max (I reckon I was over 500m away) and even at that range they often get errors - will have to cross my fingers and hope!
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    you will probably find that the van was parked precisely to catch people coming over the brow of the hill - those fellas are devious.

    If you were in traffic, there is a possibility that he may have been tracking someone else - but unless the guy was indeed aiming at someone else at the time you can most likely look forward to a NIP arriving within the next few days....

    anyway, you just admitted the offence.... ;)
  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    TBH, I'm not sure I was even doing much over 70. I certainly wasn't hammering it. Will just have to wait and see.
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    Surf-Matt wrote:
    Was doing 75-80ish but saw it very quickly and slowed to 55ish within a couple of seconds(it's a 60 limit).
    It's funny how people always slow down below the limit for cameras, I guess it's some sort of subconscious averaging. Or more worryingly, they just don't know what the limit is.
    There's a fixed camera on the A9 near me just after a downhill dual section, I've had people hurtle past me on the chevrons at 100mph+ and then ram on the brakes just round the corner to go past the camera at 50.
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    Surf-Matt wrote:
    TBH, I'm not sure I was even doing much over 70. I certainly wasn't hammering it. Will just have to wait and see.

    perhaps you weren't even in the area at all..??
  • If the cops don't play fair, why should we? I had a friend who was fed up of cops putting a talli van on a blind bend, behind a hedge just after a new speed limit was put in. So he went out with a sign saying 'Camera Ahead'. 30mins later the police arrived, nicked him and took the sign away. I guess too many people were slowing down....

    Are they really about road safety or money making devices? Hmmm.....
    jedster wrote:
    Just off to contemplate my own mortality and inevitable descent into decrepedness.
    FCN 3 or 4 on road depending on clothing
    FCN 8 off road because I'm too old to go racing around.
  • prawny
    prawny Posts: 5,451
    I don't agree with the 'safety' camera vans. I'm sure speed cameras can only be placed where there's been a certain number of accident over the years so fair enough, but round my way these vans deliberately park just after chamges in speed limit and over the brow of hills.

    I don't generally speed so I'm ok (where's the angel emoticon?) but it does nark me that they're called saftey camera teams, when they're just trying to catch people doing 40 coming off the chase into the 30 limit past 3 houses set well back off the road.

    /rant over/
    Saracen Tenet 3 - 2015 - Dead - Replaced with a Hack Frame
    Voodoo Bizango - 2014 - Dead - Hit by a car
    Vitus Sentier VRS - 2017
  • Surf-Matt, which of your 5 bikes were you doing 75 - 80 on the A39?
    Gotta get me one of those!
  • glamrox
    glamrox Posts: 31
    I much preferred the old road, Ok so it was a pig if you got stuck behind an old duffer or tractor but atleast it was an interesting drive.

    Oh and if i remember rightly they only have a limited time frame to send you the ticket , if you have been got you can always try the requesting proof of calibration etc etc.

    Overall it can be a pain and as Brucie says "what do points make? A ban for cumalative points and a nice fine !!"
  • glamrox
    glamrox Posts: 31
    Doh and of course now having looked at a map I realise my comments about the odl road were actually in relation to the a390 (from a30 to truro)
  • glamrox
    glamrox Posts: 31
    Actually maybe one too many beers at lunch ... ignore everything I say, I know the road I mean!
  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    Glam - the road from the A30 to Truro (the main one) is definitely the A39.

    A390 is from St Austell then carries on to the A30 via the centre of Truro and the hospital.

    You might be thinking of the old A30?!
  • glamrox
    glamrox Posts: 31
    Ahhh yes you are correct Matt, I did in fact mean the A39, when it still went throught the villages before they upgraded it.

    If the van was just after one of the overtaking sections I really don't understand why the police feel a need to put the van there. The road has a good surface, plenty of visibility etc ~ hopefully you won't get that letter in the post!
  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    Glam - indeed. It's a clear, wide and straight section of road with at least 1/2 mile of visibility. Hardly near a school or 30 limit.

    But of course it's just after an overtaking lane section so they know people will often be going quickly to make it past slower cars. I'm not anti speeding cameras - but that sort of pointless revenue collection is rather irksome.
  • balthazar
    balthazar Posts: 1,565
    Is it the bit that bypasses Trispen? I was sure I'd got done there a couple of months ago, but I never heard anything.
  • I had a beer or 2 for lunch and am going to be a Spen. Firstly, BMW driver speeds but doesnt want to get done for speeding shocker :roll: :wink: . Why should they "play fair"? Dont speed, dont get fined, its not that hard to figure out is it? I hate people whinging about parking tickets and/and or being done for speeding, YOU broke the rules now you pay £60. Perhaps you should look at it as a payment that allows you to break the limit everytime (or park where you want) you do it instead.
  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    Balthazar - yep, heading towards Truro.

    Oh do shut up Stewie. You sound more bitter than Campari soaked lemon rind. I would have been going quickly in any car - even our Jimny.

    I'm not trying to get off - if I get a ticket, I get a ticket. Just hoping I don't oddly enough.

    Are all Alfa drivers so bitter too? Well judging by the way they drive, it would seem so. After all, they've paid well over the odds for their Vauxhalls in drag. Here's a review of the 156 - wish I had one:

    Since its launch the 156 has picked up plenty of magazine and industry awards, but don't mention the customer surveys... Used Alfas cost more to repair than any other make, according to Warranty Direct. Alfas came joint worst for breakdowns in the German ADAC survey in 2001. Alfa was fourth-worst manufacturer and the 156 second-worst model in the 2002 Which? reliability survey. The 156 came ninth from last in the 2002 Auto Express satisfaction survey; it didn't do too well in the 2002 JD Power survey either. Meanwhile 4car's user tests on the 156 are riddled with niggling faults, and Alfa dealers get a very mixed assessment. Be aware what you're letting yourself in for.

    The interior looks better than it feels - the dials, switches and minor controls all look great but the heating and ventilation dials could be more precise in their movement. The dashboard is made of rubbery black plastic but it's very deeply grained and marks more easily than it cleans. The seats squeaked on two of our (new) test cars, too.

    Oh and the "on the road" score was "only average"

    Still, if you must have one...
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    This is turning into another 'I've got a BMW and my car is better than yours' thread......
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Another thread hjack.....KA BLAM!!
  • Im not bitter, honest :oops: . Never drunk Campari, not even while experimenting as a teenager :lol: . As pointed out, mine isnt a Vauxhall 8) I have only ever replaced the battery in 8 years. Alfa dealers are awful yes, I learnt my Customer Services skills in one of them, Im not "allowed" to talk to our "Customers" at my current employer. I tell you what, the vents do see to have been positioned to cool people who arent actually in the car, they may as well point out of the windows. Warranty Direct? Might have something to do with the Dealer I worked for refusing to sell their warranties as they werent worth the paper they were written on, or was that warranty holdings. Either way, dont buy extended warranties.

    Ask Jermaine Defoe how to not get done for speeding, he seems to be quite proficient at not getting done. I have no idea as to how these camera things work, like everyone else I hit the brakes and pray that they didnt get me.

    My lunch is wearing off now, oohh hometime soon.
  • nicensleazy
    nicensleazy Posts: 2,310
    They will see you before you see them.
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    Why should they "play fair"? Dont speed, dont get fined, its not that hard to figure out is it? I hate people whinging about parking tickets and/and or being done for speeding, YOU broke the rules now you pay £60. Perhaps you should look at it as a payment that allows you to break the limit everytime (or park where you want) you do it instead.


    People drive around my village like complete and utter knobs, no regard for other human beings whatsoever, they happily endanger other people's lives just to shave a few seconds off their journey. I wish the police would stick up hidden cameras around the place, and change the location regularly, just to catch speeding motorists unaware.

    Even better, have far more police patrols out there, catch mobile phone in car users, (serious) speeders, reckless and intimidating drivers and consficate their car and driving licence.
  • Stewie Griffin
    Stewie Griffin Posts: 4,330
    edited August 2009
    Double post
  • They will see you before you see them.

    There is another speed camera thread going on.

    "Laser: Now the most popular mobile method of entrapment as laser is so good.
    Typical uses of laser include motorway bridges, van's at the side of the road with the back doors facing you or open, tripod mounted or handheld.

    Laser can operate at a mile to a mile and a half and if very accurate and very fast.
    Officer records your speed, numberplate automatically within a few seconds."

    Doesnt mention whether or not the camera has the same range.
  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    softlad wrote:
    This is turning into another 'I've got a BMW and my car is better than yours' thread......

    Well it probably is... :wink::lol::lol:

    We also have a Jimny just to redress the balance. Although it's very good off road...
  • pugwashcp
    pugwashcp Posts: 120
    There is always the possibility that it was an ANPR van (automated number plate recognition) in which case they don't really give a toss if you're doing a couple of miles per hour over the limit. What they are interested in is the details associated with the it insured? taxed? who owns it? any intelligence or warrants outstanding on people linked to the car or the owner? If you pass a van and spot a traffic car or two within a mile or so then it's quite possibly ANPR.

    My own personal view (and I'm not a Daily Mail reader) if you speed and you get caught....tough poo.
    He who dies with the most toys wins!
  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    Indeed - tough poo. But why not put them in accident blackspots, near schools, built up areas rather than perfectly straight and "safe" roads that happen to be just after an overtaking lane? Well we can all guess can't we?

    "Safety cameras" my ar5e.
  • guilliano
    guilliano Posts: 5,495
    Maybe because that's a likely place for an offence (speeding) to be commited? Or is it OK to brake the law if you personally feel there is no need to obey it in a particular place? The police will look to catch people breaking the law where it is most likely to happen.
  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    Well you have just broken several spelling and punctuation laws so possibly a touch of hypocrisy there?