Wet Wet Wet

AGNI Posts: 140
edited July 2009 in Road beginners
Report from the Met office
You will need a brolly on holiday in the UK in August - the Met Office is issuing a revised forecast for more unsettled weather well into the month.

Kinda confirms what we already know but how does this poor weather affect everyone elses plans on going out for rides?

I long for a nice weekend so I can get and do some serious mileage. I have been out in the rain a few times now and I have to say it not great. I dont mind going out for a short ride but going out for a long distance ride in the wet just isn't that appealing.

How does everyone else get on when the weather is as pants as it is at the moment?
Still suffering with wind


  • amaferanga
    amaferanga Posts: 6,789
    Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and go for it. What do you mean by a long ride though? On a recent LEJOG I did 12 hours in the rain :?

    I find that if its not raining when I plan to set off then its much easier to get out.
    More problems but still living....
  • skinson
    skinson Posts: 362
    If it's fine I'll set off and bugger if it starts to rain. At least at this time of year it's still quite warm. Like yesterday, I was 23 miles from home in shorts and shirt and it rained all the way home there's always a hot shower to look forward to. If it's raining when I've decided to go for a ride, I'll just go for a shorter ride on my wet weather bike, togged up in all the wet weather gear. Not ideal, and not as much fun as a long dry road bike ride but, it does the job. Thing is in this country if you never went out when it looked liked rain or it was raining you'd never get out at all!!
  • skinson
    skinson Posts: 362
    Also I get a lot of time off during the week due to my shift system, so I probably have a higher chance of getting a dry day......Which is nice!!
  • Smokin Joe
    Smokin Joe Posts: 2,706
    The Met office told us we'd be sweltering in July and we're not, so I wouldn't worry about what they are telling us about August.

    IME any forecast beyond two days is just guesswork.
  • skinson
    skinson Posts: 362
    I'm pretty good at weather forecasting, I do what the met office do. Look out the window and tell you what the weather is....simple really!
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    I'm finding more and more that their forecasts are coming true.

    And all this wet weather really is making me want to off myself. So depressing.

    Hate riding in the rain (not because I mind getting wet - but because I find it dangerous and hate my bike getting wet and dirty).

    Going to have to start using the turbo indoors more or risk losing all my fitness!
  • Woodchip
    Woodchip Posts: 205
    skinson wrote:
    I'm pretty good at weather forecasting, I do what the met office do. Look out the window and tell you what the weather is....simple really!
    I go for the other option. I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes...

    OK, I've got my rain jacket, I'll be off now.
    I have nothing more to say on the matter.
  • MrChuck
    MrChuck Posts: 1,663
    Doesn't keep me off the MTB but it really demotivates me for road rides. Thing is as skinson says if you don't bite the bullet sometimes it could be weeks without getting out!
  • ride_whenever
    ride_whenever Posts: 13,279
    Doesn't stop me, does allow me to go faster for a given heart-rate though which is nice...
  • AGNI
    AGNI Posts: 140
    MrChuck wrote:
    Doesn't keep me off the MTB but it really demotivates me for road rides. Thing is as skinson says if you don't bite the bullet sometimes it could be weeks without getting out!

    I think you are right. I might just go out on the MTB instead. Got cannock chase close by so can always go for a spin over there and get muddy as hell
    Still suffering with wind
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    Bad weather wears your bike out faster than anything...
    from picking up a puncture needing a new tube to grit grinding away chains and bearings.. to the time needed to get whatever you have shiny and fit for purpose again..so anyone who enjoys piddling wet thru weather can have it all to themselves, aint interested.
  • a_n_t
    a_n_t Posts: 2,011
    greenhouse effect! remember that?

    another excuse to take more taxes off us :roll:
    Manchester wheelers

    10m 20:21 2014
    25m 53:18 20:13
    50m 1:57:12 2013
    100m Yeah right.
  • Garz
    Garz Posts: 1,155
    Yeah the late bout of weather is cheesing me off too! Only because I lack the extra gear required to keep you drier. I will get round to buying the stuff, just cycling is expensive as it is let alone buying the extra weather conditions equipment!
  • Alibran
    Alibran Posts: 370
    I got some great wet weather riding in during the Tour de France. I recorded it all, and got the turbo out to watch it when it was raining. It's some of the best exercise I've had in ages, and I never realised how hard I was working.

    I'm not sure what I'll do now it's finished. I hate riding in the wet. My partner and I are off to the Costa del Sol for a month this autumn, and I don't think we'll be coming back.
  • Blonde
    Blonde Posts: 3,188
    We got abroad to ride whenever we get the chance, and I do some track stuff to make up some extra miles.
  • zedders
    zedders Posts: 509
    England? Summer? = Rain.
    England? Winter? = cold and wet or icy.
    England? Spring? = Showers.
    England? Autum? = Storms and wind.

    If you don't like getting wet take up snooker.

    I must admit though if its really throwing it down (like today) I won't go out for the sake of it. Not because I mind getting wet, but because I think its more dangerous. And cycling dangerous enough as is it!
    "I spend my petrol money on Bikes, Beer, Pizza, and Donuts "

  • edindevon
    edindevon Posts: 325
    I agree about the extra danger being the biggest downside of wet weather.

    I went out today thinking the rain would ease off, but as it turned out it got heavier. Towards the end of my route, I had to go down a really steep hill and I ended up going quicker than I ever have on a bike with essentially no braking power at all. I have never been more convinced I was going to have a high speed crash, but it was also pretty exhilarating and as it turns out I survived okay, so I got away with it this time. I'm not going to push my luck like that again though.


  • :lol: No such thing as bad weather just inappropriate clothing :lol:
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    a_n_t wrote:
    greenhouse effect! remember that?
    Still in one.. but with the sprinkler system turned full on unfortunately
  • AGNI
    AGNI Posts: 140
    Is this where cyclocross or MTB becomes a better option?
    Still suffering with wind
  • Dunkeldog
    Dunkeldog Posts: 138
    Don't mind riding in the rain but like everyone, a nice sunny day with a slight cooling breeze never gets tired! I have to say though, with this weather I've had the turbo on the go as much as in the depths of winter.