Single chainwheel to triple easy?

kungfu Posts: 5
edited July 2009 in MTB workshop & tech
hi, all first post here been reading for a while, recently got into riding, current bike has a single chainwheel at the front, is it easy to put on a triple that i have on another bike, or will this mess anything up, obviously i would have to put the shifter on from the other bike as well, am i being a bit naieve thinking is a straight swap?

cheers for any replies


  • geoff_ss
    geoff_ss Posts: 1,201
    You'll need a longer B/B axle. Perhaps you could change that over as well. I'm assuming it's fairly old bike. 'In the olden days' :) everything worked with everything but things don't seem to be so easy now.

    Old cyclists never die; they just fit smaller chainrings ... and pedal faster
  • kungfu
    kungfu Posts: 5
    nah the bike i want i on is pretty new...mongoose fireball , the bike its coming off is araleigh mtrax.. the mongoose bb looks quite long like its got some spacers on with the single chainwheel
  • kungfu
    kungfu Posts: 5
    or can i easily swap the front chainring (currently 36t) for something like a 32T easily enough with out needing to alter the chain etc? dont know much about gears yet sorry to be a pain
  • ride_whenever
    ride_whenever Posts: 13,279
    the fireball really doesn't need a triple up front, it is a jump bike.

    Why do you want more gears?

    You should be able to fit a bigger ring on the front but you will need a new chain and possibly cassette.
  • kungfu
    kungfu Posts: 5
    yeh the triple was a daft idea soz, nah i want a slightly smaller ring up front ive decided now, like i say its got a 36 on now , fancy a 32 maybe for steep hills, would i need to change the chain for that?