Ribble! Does anyone know what's going on???

DanEvs Posts: 640
edited July 2009 in Road buying advice
I've got an aero TT on order from them with yesterday/today as scheduled build days but I can't for the life of me contact them! :shock: :(

I emailed on Monday with no reply and the phone seems permanently engaged. :(

Any suggestions as to what I should do? :?


  • majormantra
    majormantra Posts: 2,094
    Sent you a pm.

  • DanEvs
    DanEvs Posts: 640
    Thanks for the PM Matthew, unfortunately it's Alan that I've been trying to contact!

    Seems like pretty poor customer service if you can't talk to them about the £2000+ bike you've been waiting three weeks for!!

    If I'd have known it'd be like this I'd have bought elsewhere. :(
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    Sorry to hear of your troubles Dan. Unfortunately you are not alone, I ended up buying a Planet-X as a result, Ribble had been my first choice. I assume they just don't have any staff dedicated to the phone or email. The emails probably pile up and get ignored when the pile is too big. I understand that they may prioritise bike building and aspects of their mail order operation, but it is weird that they don't even give lip service to pre-sales advice. Surely the lost business would justify recruiting someone to deal with customer service, it would lift this rather dismal business considerably.
  • DanEvs
    DanEvs Posts: 640
    I managed to get through to them at 10am only to be told I'd be called back shortly...

    ...two hours later and still no reply so I gave them a call. The build has slipped to the end of the week which means I'm going to be unable to collect until the end of next week missing 4 TT's in the meantime, pretty poor in my opinion.

    So I've gone ahead and requested the order be cancelled, I'd advise anyone considering purchasing a bike from Ribble that not only do they take an age to prepare anything they're also elusive and make false promises.

    Avoid folks! :evil:
  • top_bhoy
    top_bhoy Posts: 1,424
    It does say that in peak periods, bike delivery times will be 21-28 days. If it has slipped to the end of the week that would still be within their delivery statement...yes? Hardly breaking false promises unless only half a story is being told here. I guess the main gripe now is that they didn't answer the phone or email to provide clear delivery information. I've never had a problem buying at such good prices from Oz and having it delivered to my home within a week of order.
  • Slow Downcp
    Slow Downcp Posts: 3,041
    It's the usual probelm - if you want something at a good price, you sometimes have to wait. If you can't wait, buy from your LBS.
    Carlsberg don't make cycle clothing, but if they did it would probably still not be as good as Assos
  • I ordered their most expensive carbon frame, the Scuro RS, a week ago now, and I just managed to get through to a not so happy chap on the phone who basically said it'll be at least another week.
    To check over the threads on a frame and check the finish, then put it in a box, is not the most time-consuming of tasks. I'm sure they might be busy but when the guy said "we don't work weekends" I lost all sympathy for them! If you want a 24 hour website, you need to work more than 5 days a week.
    This is precisely why when I receive my frame it will be immediately re-sprayed as a "ROURKE" frame by the single best bike shop in the country. And this is also why they have got all my business for an expensive groupset and equipment for the bike.
  • a_n_t
    a_n_t Posts: 2,011
    when I receive my frame it will be immediately re-sprayed as a "ROURKE" frame by the single best bike shop in the country.

    if they're that good why are you ordering a frame from Ribble then?
    Manchester wheelers

    10m 20:21 2014
    25m 53:18 20:13
    50m 1:57:12 2013
    100m Yeah right.
  • sturmey
    sturmey Posts: 964
    In truth they may well be getting more bike orders than they can possibly deliver on so maybe they are actually happy that some people cancel orders.

    They should realise though,that some customers who go elsewhere never come back.
  • Mayhemwmb
    Mayhemwmb Posts: 108
    My experience; Phoned up to confirm the dispatch date for about four seperate parts, was told by the person on the phone that if my payment went through they would be sent out straight away by post (this was on a Tuesday), in light of this I made plans for the following weekend - the parts didn't arrive until well into the next week, subsequently I let a mate down............. I was really pissed off - I don't like letting people down.

    The bottom line for me is that they should have been honest enough to say there would be a delay - I've learnt my lesson and now buy everything from my lbs.
  • SgtFinaldo
    SgtFinaldo Posts: 54
    So having built a dream lightweight bike and seeing as they will take cheque :P , i should now go elsewhere?
    For the price, weight and good reviews i would happily wait up to 2 months.
    Must go faster.
  • galaxyboy
    galaxyboy Posts: 168
    I have to say in their defence that I have had very good communication with ribble lately as I've been waiting for my cyclescheme voucher. They have let me know all along that there is waiting lists/times.
    Worst thing was finding out that they charge £50 admin fee for cyclescheme - never heard of this before.
  • rokkala
    rokkala Posts: 649
    They are a bit of a mixed bag. My bike i ordered at end of June came about 2 and a half weeks later, which was about half a week more than i was told to expect, but was reasonable. And definitely worth the wait.
    Mayhemwmb wrote:
    My experience; Phoned up to confirm the dispatch date for about four seperate parts, was told by the person on the phone that if my payment went through they would be sent out straight away by post (this was on a Tuesday), in light of this I made plans for the following weekend - the parts didn't arrive until well into the next week, subsequently I let a mate down............. I was really pissed off - I don't like letting people down.

    The bottom line for me is that they should have been honest enough to say there would be a delay - I've learnt my lesson and now buy everything from my lbs.

    In the past they had managed to dispacth items the next working day for me, but last time i ordered stuff from them it took them 4 working days to do it. Which is defo not stated as a possibility on the website.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Ribble have always been like this. Good Value - but you usually need to be patient.

    If you want the service - be prepared to pay for it.

    Spraying a bike doesnt change it - just costs you money. I'd also be interested to know how long the respray will take - in my experience - its always longer than you're told.
  • flip2892
    flip2892 Posts: 6
    Check out these threads along with the many others on here and other sites.
    I'm still being lied to by Ribble who keep making false promises, my order is now a month old despite being told at the time of order that the time to dispatch was 1-2 weeks. I'm planning to speak to them AGAIN on Monday, if I do not get a delivery date I'll be using the Lancs Trading standards website to register a formal complaint. I would urge others who are being treated in this way to do the same. Aside from the lies, and lack of honesty they are clearly in breach of Distance selling regulations. If you can't get in touch with them on the phone (you won't get any reply to e-mails) then sent a letter registered post setting out your position and what your reasonable expectations are.

    http://www.bikeradar.com/forums/viewtop ... t=12636230

    http://www.bikeradar.com/forums/viewtop ... t=12636814

  • ExeterSimon
    ExeterSimon Posts: 830
    Worst thing was finding out that they charge £50 admin fee for cyclescheme

    That shouldn't happen and with all my dealings through running the work scheme I have never encountered this with any other supplier.

    Basically cyclescheme will take a cut of the price as their admin fee....all Ribble are doing is clawing that back by making you pay.

    If I was you I'd take your business elsewhere.
    Whyte 905 (2009)
    Trek 1.5 (2009)
    Specialized Stumpjumper FSR Comp (2007)
  • sturmey
    sturmey Posts: 964
    edited July 2009
    Having to wait longer than promised for a bike order is one thing and was something I was prepared for given the popularity of their bikes and the time of year which is why I waited six weeks before I even chased them up.Other people may be less forgiving.

    But then to be met with complete disinterest and a 'take it or leave it' attitude was fairly exasperating. As well as being told fibs about their supposed attempts to contact me which was an insult to my intelligence.

    All I would say is, if you are lucky, you will get the bike you want. However,their stock levels are not as buoyant as they would have you believe and you stand a good chance of not getting the spec you ordered.This may be something small like a cassette or it may be something or several things more significant. And the manner in which they broach this with the customer is how I and many others feel they are letting people down and messing them about. If they can't give you the bike you ordered then they should let you know this as soon as possible and be ready to discuss these changes and if, appropriate, be willing to negotiate adjustements to the final order price. I saw no evidence of any desire to retain my custom and found this a very strange way of carrying on with people.
  • sturmey
    sturmey Posts: 964
    Worst thing was finding out that they charge £50 admin fee for cyclescheme

    To be fair to Ribble (don't know why I should) Planet X charge twice that for their Cyclescheme customers. Bit steep I'd say!
  • brit66
    brit66 Posts: 350
    I orderd a frame from them a couple of weeks ago (before I know of all this), but I note that despite getting an email confirmation of my order, my bank account hasn't been debited.

    Do they only debit your account when they despatch the goods, or am I about to join the ranks of the terminally disappointed and never get my frame?
  • Slow Downcp
    Slow Downcp Posts: 3,041
    brit66 wrote:
    I orderd a frame from them a couple of weeks ago (before I know of all this), but I note that despite getting an email confirmation of my order, my bank account hasn't been debited.

    Do they only debit your account when they despatch the goods, or am I about to join the ranks of the terminally disappointed and never get my frame?

    Online retailers shouldn't take the money until goods are despatched.
    Carlsberg don't make cycle clothing, but if they did it would probably still not be as good as Assos
  • brit66
    brit66 Posts: 350
    Okay, thanks. I was hoping that might be the case.

    Incidentally, I'm in no hurry for the frame but can see why some people get frustrated.

    Fullfilling orders isn't rocket science and clearly they need to resource this side of their business better, otherwise they'll shoot themselves in the foot for repeat business.
  • Bryan F
    Bryan F Posts: 15
    edited July 2009
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    surely if Chris Boardman feels able to post updates here about the Boardman/Halfords issues, then surely someone from Ribble could do the same on this thread....??
  • top_bhoy
    top_bhoy Posts: 1,424
    Maybe the surge in bike sales has been greater this year becasue of the better weather - the website does say 21-28 days during peak. If this is difficult to understand why order in the first place.

    I have no connection with Ribble but have only ever had good service and sick and tired to see whinging and denigrating posts because people haven't read the terms and conditions. If you need a bike in such a hurry go elsewhere but in busy season, even your LBS may well struggle for stock if it needs to be ordered in a particular colour/size.

    I call Bryan F a trouble-maker.
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    Top_Bhoy wrote:
    I call Bryan F a trouble-maker.

    No Ribble really are pretty pathetic when it comes to sorting to stuff out. They might be OK at sending out stuff they have in stock, but their after sales service is nearly non existent.
    I like bikes...

  • top_bhoy
    top_bhoy Posts: 1,424
    edited July 2009
    Top_Bhoy wrote:
    I call Bryan F a trouble-maker.

    No Ribble really are pretty pathetic when it comes to sorting to stuff out. They might be OK at sending out stuff they have in stock, but their after sales service is nearly non existent.

    I don't doubt there may be issues from time to time which people experience - the poster won't resolve them here by denigrating the company across several threads and different forums. His posts go beyond a frustrated rant and he is only out now to cause maximum public damage to a company who has provided excellent service to many others.!!!
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    Top_Bhoy wrote:
    Top_Bhoy wrote:
    I call Bryan F a trouble-maker.

    No Ribble really are pretty pathetic when it comes to sorting to stuff out. They might be OK at sending out stuff they have in stock, but their after sales service is nearly non existent.

    I don't doubt there may be issues from time to time which people experience - this clown won't resolve them here by denigrating the company across several threads and different forums. His posts go beyond a frustrated rant and he is only out now to cause maximum public damage to a company who has provided excellent service to many others.!!!

    Everytime I've had to deal with their aftersales I've had issues. They might give excellent service when they are sending stuff out - I've never had any issues on that side of things.
    I like bikes...

  • Bryan F
    Bryan F Posts: 15
    edited July 2009
  • sturmey
    sturmey Posts: 964
    Maybe the surge in bike sales has been greater this year becasue of the better weather - the website does say 21-28 days during peak. If this is difficult to understand why order in the first place.

    If you re-read the posts you will realise that most complaints are not about this at all but about other aspects of customer service.
    I don't doubt there may be issues from time to time which people experience

    Except there is a greater incidence of reported issues with Ribble than others,sad to say.
  • RedJohn
    RedJohn Posts: 272
    It's the usual probelm - if you want something at a good price, you sometimes have to wait. If you can't wait, buy from your LBS.

    Sorry, I hear this quoted so often about how wonderful your LBS is and you should use them all the time.

    My LBS is shite. Post sale customer service, (a sale of £1500 worth of components), non-existent. They listened (to, in the end, a phone call every day for a while) then did absolutely f**k all. Speaking to others locally, similar stories.

    In contrast, I've never had a problem with Ribble, pre- or post - sale, although admittedly only for a few components and clothing etc. Delivery typically inside 1 week.