Help with stuck gears

rlewis11 Posts: 7
edited July 2009 in Road beginners
I have just bought a Trek 1.2 double 2009 as my first road bike, when i got it home and took it out i've discovered the front gear won't shift back down onto the smaller cog, ican anyone tell me in simple terms how i might be able to fix it or what i'm doing wrong!? :?


  • peanut1978
    peanut1978 Posts: 1,031
    could be the limit screws located on the front derailleur.
  • White Line
    White Line Posts: 887
    You sure it won't move. If you have the wee pink thing (indicator) further over the the left (I think) - more left than centred, then it can be a bit hard to push the thumb lever thing for the first few rides.

    Just try giving it a proper hard push while on the bike.

    Sorry if that doesn't make perfect sense - I'm just up. :lol:
  • peanut1978
    peanut1978 Posts: 1,031
  • Am I right in saying it has a Sora shifter?

    I had a few problems with my sora downshifting on my Allez in what sounds like the same way but with a bit of force I was able to make the gear change (I did have to keep trying though). Still not sure why it jammed but it hasn't happened since...

  • White Line
    White Line Posts: 887
    Am I right in saying it has a Sora shifter?

    I had a few problems with my sora downshifting on my Allez in what sounds like the same way but with a bit of force I was able to make the gear change (I did have to keep trying though). Still not sure why it jammed but it hasn't happened since...

    I reckon it's just a case of breaking it in, so to speak.
  • Nuggs
    Nuggs Posts: 1,804
    It could be either (i) the limit screw's incorrectly adjusted or (ii) the gear cable's too tight to allow the shift.

    Have a look at the "Repair" section of and select front derailleur for illustrated instructions on how to check the set up. That site will do a much better job of explaining it than I can!

    Any probs, come back on here.

    Good luck!
  • pedalrog
    pedalrog Posts: 633
    Sounds like there's something jammed, check it for foreign bodies in the mechanism, any transport wedges in there? Does the lever move on the brake hood? Can you see any movement on the derailleur?, cable stuck anywhere, anything clamping the cable - pump brackets etc?
    Surely if you've just bought it and it doesn't work the best thing is to take it back to the shop. They should have checked it for function before you had it.
  • John.T
    John.T Posts: 3,698
    Give the cable running down the down tube a pull. Check if the mech moves out any further. If it does not slacken the high gear limit screw a touch. This should ease it and the mech will change. If so then check the chain will not over shift. If it does then slacken the cable a little with the barrel adjuster on the down tube and screw the limit screw back making sure the mech is not pulled hard back on to it. If this does not help then take it back to the shop as the problem is probably a component fault.