Fed up of 0870/0845/0800/etc numbers?

redddraggon Posts: 10,862
edited July 2009 in The bottom bracket
It seems every company and even the NHS etc is using 0870/0845/0800 numbers these days, which aren't too bad if you use a landline, but I use exclusively my iPhone due to the stupid amount of "minutes" I have with my contract, unfortunately the "08" numbers aren't included in the "minutes" and on top of that are charged at an extortionate rate. All these "08" numbers are associated with a Landline number though.


If you enter the "08" number into the search on that site, there's a good chance it'll provide the landline number, and it should help some of you save on their phone bills.
I like bikes...



  • If my memory serves me right, didn't 0870/0845 numbers potentially generate revenue, hence their increasing use for 'help' lines or support services? I believe that may have now changed, but not for 0871 numbers.

    That's why there's no real benefit for efficient call management when every minute on hold generated a few pence in revenue.
    There's no such thing as too old.
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    If my memory serves me right, didn't 0870/0845 numbers potentially generate revenue, hence their increasing use for 'help' lines or support services? I believe that may have now changed, but not for 0871 numbers.

    That's why there's no real benefit for efficient call management when every minute on hold generated a few pence in revenue.

    That's another reason why avoid using the 08 numbers :lol:
    I like bikes...

  • Cressers
    Cressers Posts: 1,329
    Won't their computerised exchanges refuse a call on anything but the 'approved' and expensive number?
  • dilemna
    dilemna Posts: 2,187
    0870/0871/0845/0844 revenue sharing numbers. Generally associated with Customer care/service departments. Sales departments where companies want new buisness are generally 0800 which are free phone on landlines. 0870 up to 10p a minute, 0845 up to 5p/minute.

    Get your own back set up your own 0870/0871 number and when companies want your contact details furnish them with it. Keep them on hold for at least 40 minutes nice little earner :lol: .
    Life is like a roll of toilet paper; long and useful, but always ends at the wrong moment. Anon.
    Think how stupid the average person is.......
    half of them are even more stupid than you first thought.
  • SBezza
    SBezza Posts: 2,173
    Also look for the number they ask international customers to call, this is normally the normal landline number.

    I hardly ever use my landline at home and as reddragon says it is annoying when you have to call these from a mobile phone.
  • chuckcork
    chuckcork Posts: 1,471
    Yep, expensive and with no reason to answer.

    I'm still waiting for an explanation from Barclays as to how I was put on hold to a department after it had shut, the call was only answered after 50 minutes or so or paying for it!

    Not well pleased to be told I had to ring this department in the first place to have card fraud dealt with, only to find out later on my phone bill that every time I was on hold it cost me money.
    'Twas Mulga Bill, from Eaglehawk, that caught the cycling craze....
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    The worst culprit I've come across for using 08 numbers is the benefits agency. If you're lucky and get Vivaldi's Four Seasons then you are in the queue, otherwise they can't be arsed to speak to you and cut you off so you have to call again and again. Cost me £13 this month on my mobile which is my only phone communication.

    Been aware of the above website for a while now and use it all the time.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • Hi Guys, The real truth is that the mobile networks who charge more ££££ are ripping the general public off when using their mobiles. Calling a 0800 from a mobile should be free, there's no reason why it isn't except the mobile networks can get away with it. Calling a 0800 number used to be free and now BT mobile of all people are now letting you call Freephone numbers for nothing. To make life even more difficult we now have 03 numbers that are included in all free minute bundles. If you need more information see our website www.numbergroup.com Or Just stick to using your landline where possible ! and use 0800 numbers !
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    I use this site often. I get free minutes to landlines from both my home number and mobile so resent using 08 numbers to create profits for some bloated company and avoid them as much as possible. This site is fantastic for alternatives. I now never use 08 numbers when I call my bank, utilities etc
    Do not write below this line. Office use only.
  • Just to let you know about the above post Jackie Newman is actually a Jody Rhodes pretending to be his astranged wife. Jody Rhodes has been banned and fined by Ofcom the telecoms regulator for running Fax Scam's in 2007 - 2008.

    Anymore information read thread: http://www.ukbusinessforums.co.uk/forum ... p?t=115719

    Think it is best for people to be warned about scamsters like NumberGroup as Jody Rhodes also runs sex line businesses, etc.

    As for 08 costs it annoys everyone that corpoarte England continue to make big profits off the backs of their customers. I have tryed the new BT free 0870 & 0845 deal (I think it was around a £5-er a month) and my bill went from £45 per month down to £20 for 3 months in a row now. Thumbs up on that as I do not have to worry about calling those numbers from home now. Still doesnt help the mobile phone situation though.

  • a_n_t
    a_n_t Posts: 2,011
    I'm fed-up with the 0845 number THAT KEEPS RINGING MY BLOODY MOBILE!! Saying it's about my barclay card [i dont have one]

    bloody scammers. :twisted: :evil: :x
    Manchester wheelers

    10m 20:21 2014
    25m 53:18 20:13
    50m 1:57:12 2013
    100m Yeah right.
  • Wappygixer
    Wappygixer Posts: 1,396
    I think the real reason companies hide behind 0845 etc is that if they use the real area code eg:0161 then you have a good idea of where to start looking for them when you want to poke their eyes out for poor service or for calling you every 5 mins to see if you have had an accident or fall :evil:
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    a_n_t wrote:
    I'm fed-up with the 0845 number THAT KEEPS RINGING MY BLOODY MOBILE!! Saying it's about my barclay card [i dont have one]

    bloody scammers. :twisted: :evil: :x

    If they use the same number to call you, answer the call and put the handset down on the desk and let them pay for a pointless call.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.