PICS: My first Road bike & Brake question

Squillinossett Posts: 1,678
edited June 2009 in Road beginners

Upgraded Wheels/Tyres first, then got a new carbon seatpost and saddle.

Only thing im thinking about changing now are the brakes, can get there for £25 for the pair: ... elID=34702

worthwhile upgrade over the stock? they aint branded from what I can see?

Bike is brilliant though, really happy with it, did 78 miles last Sunday, going for 90 tomorrow. [/img]


  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Not really worth the upgrade. Unless you go way up the food chain for something much lighter/stronger.

    Enjoy the bike!
  • Infamous
    Infamous Posts: 1,130
    I used a tiagra front brake, it was good for the price but I don't know how it compares to sora. Mind you £25 for the pair is a good price, why not.
  • Squillinossett
    Squillinossett Posts: 1,678
    Forgot to add upgrade would be free thanks to the Mrs
  • Squillinossett
    Squillinossett Posts: 1,678
    Infamous wrote:
    I used a tiagra front brake, it was good for the price but I don't know how it compares to sora. Mind you £25 for the pair is a good price, why not.

    I dont even have sora atm they are trek own I think
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    Infamous wrote:
    I used a tiagra front brake, it was good for the price but I don't know how it compares to sora. Mind you £25 for the pair is a good price, why not.

    I dont even have sora atm they are trek own I think

    not much of an upgrade - I wouldn't bother. If you must upgrade your brakeset, go for something like Ultegra or Rival...
  • Squillinossett
    Squillinossett Posts: 1,678
    So would you say I would get a bigger improvement in braking from say £20/£25 quids worth of pads?
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    So would you say I would get a bigger improvement in braking from say £20/£25 quids worth of pads?

    pads may help, but if you want better brakes - buy a better brakeset. Swapping from Trek OEM to something like Tiagra is unlikely to make much of a difference IMO...because you are simply swapping from one low-end brakeset to another....
  • skyd0g
    skyd0g Posts: 2,540
    +1 to new pads.

    Pound for Pound you'll notice a far greater improvement on getting better pads on your existing brakes, than going to the expense of a "just slightly better" brake-set.

    You'd have to send ££££'s on a new brake-set to notice a marked improvement. IMHO :D
    Cycling weakly
  • Mister W
    Mister W Posts: 791
    Another vote for pads. You'll get a much bigger improvement for far less money.
  • spursn17
    spursn17 Posts: 284
    I've just got a Boardman team carbon, changed the brake blocks to Swisstop Greens, I can stop before I hit cars now!
  • muchalls
    muchalls Posts: 87
    My vote goes to SwissStop green as well: changed these on my Spec. Allez with no-name dual pivot brakes (not 105's) and they are fantastic, if somewhat expensive
  • spursn17
    spursn17 Posts: 284
    22 quid for a full set, not as expensive as new teeth though :lol:
  • Squillinossett
    Squillinossett Posts: 1,678
    Well guys, I picked up some fibrax ones yesterday, made a decent amount of difference, this morning on descents. These ones to be exact ... delID=2954

    Going pick up some of those swissstop greens when these run out, I only picked up fibrax as I used them back in the days when I MTB for my disc brake and were jolly good.

    Thanks guys for the advise!