The weather in 2080...

softlad Posts: 3,513
edited June 2009 in The bottom bracket
The Met Office can't even predict tomorrow's weather accurately - what chance have they got of accurately predicting what it will be like 70 years ahead..??


  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    It's often easier to predict macro trends than day to day ones. Look at the financial markets, the general trend is for FTSE etc prices to rise, if you invest in a fund or a reliable stock and hold for a long period, you're pretty much assured a return. It's making a day to day killing on sudden rises etc that's the problem...

    Anyway, back to topic, the weather has been going this way for a while now. It's getting more and more extreme - for example the floods in Boscastle, heavy snow the winter just gone and scorching doughts a few summers ago.

    Oustide the UK places like SE Australia/Victoria, are getting hotter and dryer and there are more and more droughts and fires whereas up in India/Asia, monsoons cause devastating floods, meanwhile in Africa, deserts are getting ever larger and the polar regions are heating up.

    It doesn't take a genius to spot the trend....
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  • Chip \'oyler
    Chip \'oyler Posts: 2,323
    It's often easier to predict macro trends than day to day ones. Look at the financial markets, the general trend is for FTSE etc prices to rise, if you invest in a fund or a reliable stock and hold for a long period, you're pretty much assured a return. It's making a day to day killing on sudden rises etc that's the problem...

    Anyway, back to topic, the weather has been going this way for a while now. It's getting more and more extreme - for example the floods in Boscastle, heavy snow the winter just gone and scorching doughts a few summers ago.

    Oustide the UK places like SE Australia/Victoria, are getting hotter and dryer and there are more and more droughts and fires whereas up in India/Asia, monsoons cause devastating floods, meanwhile in Africa, deserts are getting ever larger and the polar regions are heating up.

    It doesn't take a genius to spot the trend....

    No shit Sherlock. I can predict my macro cycle - steady soreness, ill health and death
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  • passout
    passout Posts: 4,425
    I think that it will be 'mixed' myself.

    Cheer up though AIDs, Swine Flu, SARs, holes in the Ozone, Terrorism and Nuclear War will probably mean that we will all be dead anyway! :shock:

    ...unless of course the 'experts' are just jumping on the research funding bandwagon associated with global warming; getting media coverage to further their own careers. Then the media are exaggerating as you would expect them too, leading to a 'snowball effect' (no pun intended) of expert/media global warming hype (all justified by scientific reports of course).

    Global warming may well be occuring as we speak but I have absolutely no faith in these type of more than I would in a futurologist. Cutting global emissions does make sense but there is a vast amount of b****hit surrounding this issue.
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