Toupe, Phenom , Spoon

pabloweaver Posts: 444
edited June 2009 in Road buying advice
done to death topic number 4597676 .....

i have a toupe 130 and although its fine for sub 2 hour rides my seat bones ache on the longer rides . Don't think its an issue of getting used to it as the Charge Spoon I have on another bike is comfy as hell when doing long rides ..and never noticed it over many years of cycling

so i hear you ask ...why not get a spoon for both bikes and stop asking stupid questions !?

its the bike tart in me ....a spoon just wont " work " on my Planet X ...there...i've said it ...and there is no going back ....

so in view of that ...anybody any viewpoints on the Toupe 143 being any comfier ( or the Phenom saddle in the same 143 size ? )

had my seatbones " measured " ..( was like something from the FastShow ....) and I sit in-between the sizes .

ta !

Great club in and around the Warrington area.


  • bendertherobot
    bendertherobot Posts: 11,684
    Spoons work and they're the bit of the bike that you can't see when you're on it ;)
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  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    Yeah I was gonna say the same thing, does it matter as nobody sees it when you're riding it! If you have truly found THE saddle for you, then imo does it matter what it looks like?
  • pabloweaver
    pabloweaver Posts: 444
    I just need other people to stop me spending more money than I need to ......

    I think its an illness ....... :lol:

    Great club in and around the Warrington area.
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    If you feel that bad about it, you could always buy the leather ti Spoon and not just the cro-mo one.
  • sawarze
    sawarze Posts: 7
    Recently taken delivery of Roubaix SL 08 complete with Toupe Gel 143 - perineum pain after 30 miles. Was going to do Etape C on Toupe but swapped to my Brooks Team Pro and no problems at all with backside - didn't stop the tacks though! Chap at the start was bemused at the odd Brooks/Roubaix combination but contact point comfort is more important than bike image at 80 miles.
  • I had a toupe for 9-10 months - it was fine for maybe three hours max, after which it was 'ing horrendous. I just never got used to it. Swapped in a spoon, just to try - that lasted one ride. Horrible. Once you've got used to the cut-out then its difficult to go back. Next up was the phenom (gel version). Works for me - tour of wessex was three days in a row at 6 hour'ish a day, and a recent tour i did of lebanon and syria had us on the bikes for 10 hours a couple of times, and I was just fine.

    As always its totally dependant on your undercarriage, but I now use the phenom on the roadie (it looks a little chunky on the cervelo, but I can deal with that) and the mtb.

  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    its the bike tart in me ....a spoon just wont " work " on my Planet X ...there...i've said it ...and there is no going back ....

    not expensive enough..??
  • pabloweaver
    pabloweaver Posts: 444
    softlad wrote:
    its the bike tart in me ....a spoon just wont " work " on my Planet X ...there...i've said it ...and there is no going back ....

    not expensive enough..??

    there was a certain amount of flippancy with my post :wink:

    Spoon is good ... but not convinced about it longevity ( its basically stapled together ...) if im going to buy something , i want to buy right....and unashamedly something i like !

    costly or not ....otherwise i would not have bought a £20 Spoon in the first place 8)

    Great club in and around the Warrington area.
  • scapaslow
    scapaslow Posts: 305
    I might give the phenom a go on that recommendation.

    I've had a toupe for a couple of years and like other posters found it hell after 2 hours. I swapped to a non cut out ages ago which i can do 6/7 hours on but has never really been comfortable. I put the toupe back on a couple of weeks ago and managed 5 hours on it with only minor discomfort but the sit bones were a bit sore next day. I don't think i could ride it 2 days in a row. I prefer the cut out so if the phenom has a bit more padding than the toupe it might just be the answer.

    Saddles are so infuriating. One day i'll find the right one.
  • pabloweaver
    pabloweaver Posts: 444
    Specialized concept in Chester say i can take one of their test bikes out for an hour as they are equipped with the Toupe and the Phenom , sounds a great idea ( an an opportunity to play on another bike ) but not sure if I will get to notice any difference over such a period of time .

    would be a good start though !

    just to clarify .... its not about spending money for monies sake .. that was flippant for flippancy sake :roll: its about buying something that a) does the job b) lasts longer than buying 2 cheaper ones ....and c) I like the look of

    if i can get a phenom for 30 quid im laughing ! :lol:

    Great club in and around the Warrington area.
  • a_n_t
    a_n_t Posts: 2,011
    strange aint it, I can sit perched on my toupe all day. Love it.

    Assos shorts definately help too.
    Manchester wheelers

    10m 20:21 2014
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    100m Yeah right.
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513

    Spoon is good ... but not convinced about it longevity ( its basically stapled together ...)

    you mean the cover is stapled to the base..? nothing unusual about that....
  • on-yer-bike
    on-yer-bike Posts: 2,974
    Toupes aren't that well made for the money. I use one with and without gel with the same sit bone problem but now getting used to it after a year. I have tried lots of other saddles and the discomfort has been more serious. I would like to try one of those funny shaped Italian saddles a Selle SMP Glider but at £160.00 its a big risk. Who makes the Phenom?
  • bing gordon
    bing gordon Posts: 662
    could the saddlle also be the cause of numbness in the feet ?.i always thought it was the fault of my rather narrow shimano road shoes and me having wide feet.
    i invested in some northwave shoes which are very wide and very very comfy but the numbness still appears after 20 miles or so.
    i use a toupe gel 143 , but to tell the truth , im not arsed if it looks like the saddle of me old chopper with tape round the end just as long as i can feel me feet and not look like im having a mini stoke at traffic lights !!.
  • System_1
    System_1 Posts: 513
    If you get on with the Charge Spoon have you thought about trying out the Charge Knife? It has the same shape on top as the spoon so should be bum friendly if the spoon fits, but side on it looks a bit racier and it's lighter too.
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    I'd buy a second seat post. Then you can have one with the Spoon on for the rides where you'll be sitting on it all day, and one with something exotic on it for short rides / posing / looking at.

    I'm of an age where I no longer give a toss what things look like or what anyone else thinks, as long as they work well. My bike cost over a grand; it's the dearest thing I've ever treated myself to, but it's got mudguards, a triple chainset, and after a bit of experimenting, a Spoon saddle.

    No beard or sandals though.
  • pabloweaver
    pabloweaver Posts: 444
    keef66 wrote:
    I'd buy a second seat post. Then you can have one with the Spoon on for the rides where you'll be sitting on it all day, and one with something exotic on it for short rides / posing / looking at.

    I'm of an age where I no longer give a toss what things look like or what anyone else thinks, as long as they work well. My bike cost over a grand; it's the dearest thing I've ever treated myself to, but it's got mudguards, a triple chainset, and after a bit of experimenting, a Spoon saddle.

    No beard or sandals though.

    now i like this bit of advice..... i have spare post so halfway there . cheers

    Great club in and around the Warrington area.
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    I think he may have been joking....
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    I wasn't!
    A comfy saddly for a 4 hour solo ride when the thing only sees daylight when you stand up to fart, and hand stitched italian leather on a carbon and titanium carapace for club runs and cafe posing. And all at the flick of an allen key!
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    keef66 wrote:
    I wasn't!
    A comfy saddly for a 4 hour solo ride when the thing only sees daylight when you stand up to fart, and hand stitched italian leather on a carbon and titanium carapace for club runs and cafe posing. And all at the flick of an allen key!

    still sounds like you are joking. Would anyone seriously be desperate enough to do that..?
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    I wouldn't be at all surprised. But don't expect anyone to own up to it on here!
  • pabloweaver
    pabloweaver Posts: 444
    softlad wrote:
    I think he may have been joking....

    your loving this topic , I can tell :)

    Great club in and around the Warrington area.
  • pabloweaver
    pabloweaver Posts: 444
    System wrote:
    If you get on with the Charge Spoon have you thought about trying out the Charge Knife? It has the same shape on top as the spoon so should be bum friendly if the spoon fits, but side on it looks a bit racier and it's lighter too.

    cheers for the heads up on this , didn't realise this was a new product available . Been in touch with local supplier and its the same seatbone size as the spoon .... but with a more streamline shape as you said .... and a more robust construction . ... e-09-32922

    ordered one ......

    for £31.99 ....

    which is expensive enough :wink:

    thanks for the input folks , i will give a review of the saddle for anyone interested when its been put through its paces

    Great club in and around the Warrington area.
  • 2tired2ride
    2tired2ride Posts: 285
    Spoon is good ... but not convinced about it longevity ( its basically stapled together ...)

    Thats so the material can flex more to alow the saddle to flex more and be more comfy. It is designed extreamly well it's not just so its cheaper to maker there is a reason.

    "If we all had hardtails we'd all go down the hill, just slower"
    Nick Larsen

    Voodoo D-Jab Ti
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  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    FWIW I bought a Spoon after getting some opinion from this forum, it arrived just before the Etape C so I had a dilemma as to whether I should go with it without trying it out or "breaking it in", but the old saddle was in such a state that I went for it, the result was 4 hours 20 minutes of very comfortable riding. Next outing was a trip round the Bealach na Ba, also comfortable but then I didn't spend so much time sitting down on that one.
  • jordan_217
    jordan_217 Posts: 2,580
    I've got the Specialized Alias and Toupe (143 size) on my bikes and they are both excellent. It's taken me a long time to find a comfy perch. I'm actually surprised that the Toupe is just as comfortable as the Alias, as its not as padded and has a solid plastic nose.

    I don't care what they look like, all I know is they work for me so I'll stick with them!
    “Training is like fighting with a gorilla. You don’t stop when you’re tired. You stop when the gorilla is tired.”
  • tenor
    tenor Posts: 278
    Keef66 wrote:
    I'd buy a second seat post. Then you can have one with the Spoon on for the rides where you'll be sitting on it all day, and one with something exotic on it for short rides / posing / looking at.

    This is just the kind of brilliant intuitive advice I like, except for one crucial flaw; not only does poor Pablo have to procrastinate over the perfect posterior perch, but now the poor chap has to chose another seat post as well!!!
  • pabloweaver
    pabloweaver Posts: 444
    tenor wrote:
    Keef66 wrote:
    I'd buy a second seat post. Then you can have one with the Spoon on for the rides where you'll be sitting on it all day, and one with something exotic on it for short rides / posing / looking at.

    This is just the kind of brilliant intuitive advice I like, except for one crucial flaw; not only does poor Pablo have to procrastinate over the perfect posterior perch, but now the poor chap has to chose another seat post as well!!!

    nice alliteration :)

    i should have taken up swimming ..... i mean hard can it be to buy a pair of trunks and goggles .... and do Prada make them lol ..cue another 27 pages !!! :lol:

    Great club in and around the Warrington area.
  • Takis61
    Takis61 Posts: 239
    My new Ribble came with a cheap Selle Italia XO, which doesn't look that great, very "gel", but surprisingly, so far, feels great ? As someone said earlier, no one can see it when you're sitting on it ! Was going to change it for an Arione or similar, but going to leave it for a while..........see how it beds in.
    My knees hurt !
  • jrduquemin
    jrduquemin Posts: 791
    a_n_t wrote:
    strange aint it, I can sit perched on my toupe all day. Love it.

    Assos shorts definately help too.

    I've had a Toupe Team on my Roubaix for a few weeks and have had no issues with it. I found the Phenom previously installed made the inside of my legs ache.

    I also wear Assos shorts when I ride long distances, over 70/80 miles on the Toupe with no problems :-)
    2010 Lynskey R230
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