It really annoys me when...

Posts: 3,276
Cyclicts on the other side of the road give me a long look and then turn away when I wave or nod to them.Miserable barstewards.
Smarter than the average bear.
I think there's an inverse relationship between friendliness and non-helmet wearing and/or shaved legs.
As a helmet wearing non-shaver, I seem to be beneath contempt for some of my shaven-legged (and presumably solid headed team-cap-clad) brethren.0 -
Dont feel so bad about it. Not everyone is sociable.
I tend to keep to myself but if someone says hello I'll say hello back.. bit hard when you're going 35mph downhill or 25 on the flat. :oops:0 -
Hmm, well I am also a helmet wearing non-shaver so there may be something in that.
These are people that I see having a good look at me, at cruising speeds, but then refuse to acknowledge me.It happened a few times today.Smarter than the average bear.0 -
Sometimes impossible when you're churning up a 20% incline.Shazam !!0
I think it's just you antfly.......0
I find that hard to believe. :shock: I`m adorable!Smarter than the average bear.0
100% huggable, as all committed road riding, rooting-tooting, hard charging, rumping-pumping bike people are. :!:0
Shave me legs, wear a helmet, but always endevour to acknowledge other cyclists.Tail end Charlie
The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.0 -
antfly wrote:Cyclicts on the other side of the road give me a long look and then turn away when I wave or nod to them.Miserable barstewards.
they're probably at home now thinking exactly the same thing...
everyone claims to wave - nobody admits to ignoring other riders. So where exactly are all these people...??0 -
Well they can`t be thinking that of me because they clearly saw me wave.Some cyclists are just a bit up themselves.Smarter than the average bear.0
I don`t really care for your opinion thanks,you are a bit of an upstart know-it-all, but congratulations on not mentioning Willhub for once.Smarter than the average bear.0
Careful boys. Antfly likes to stick the boot in once he's irritated.Note: the above post is an opinion and not fact. It might be a lie.0
I thought we kissed and made up.I admire your intellect anyway.Smarter than the average bear.0
I tend to get waves anyway.
Then again, if i waved any more obviously, it'd look like I was indicating right...Note: the above post is an opinion and not fact. It might be a lie.0