Recommendations for Road pedal with toe clip

Cycling is Forever
Cycling is Forever Posts: 210
edited May 2009 in Road buying advice
I'm not confident to go straight to clipless/spd road pedals so am looking for some toe clips pedals.

Are there any particular models/makes that anyone here can recommend?
I assume toe clips are aimed more at touring and clipless for the road.

But I will using toe clips on my Team carbon which I will hopefully be picking up this week.
Any help will be much appreciated




  • Mister W
    Mister W Posts: 791
    What's the problem with going for clipless pedals? I've only ever known one person who couldn't get to grips with them and that was due to balance issues. They really are very simple to use and far better than toe clips.
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    MKS do a range of pedals - but clipless once you get the hang of them are safer, more efficient and don't inflict pain on your feet.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    I went clipless as soon as I could afford cycling specific shoes. Many times better than the toeclips which I used for years previously, and easier to get out of.

    After decent shorts, it's the best thing you can get to improve your cycling enjoyment.
  • sicknote
    sicknote Posts: 901
    keef66 wrote:
    I went clipless as soon as I could afford cycling specific shoes. Many times better than the toeclips which I used for years previously, and easier to get out of.

    After decent shorts, it's the best thing you can get to improve your cycling enjoyment.

    I have to agree as I ahd used toe clips for years too but this forum has got me into clipless and would not go back :wink: