single speed on front of xc bike

roscopeco2000 Posts: 135
edited May 2009 in MTB workshop & tech
has anyone switched from the triple speed on front to a single speed?and is it a common pratice on xc bikes?i did it on my girlfriends bike(less gears she has the better)i went for a ride in thetford forrest sunday i only use middle ring, and even when iam on the road i only use middle ring sometimes big ring but very rare,so was thinking of ditching front derailleur and having single speed on front with a chain guide or as i did on my gf bike use a chain tensior which works perfect.also while on here can i switch from 8 speed to 9 if iam changing the whole drive train ie shifters, etc.


  • bomberesque
    bomberesque Posts: 1,701
    it's commonly known as 1x9

    you do normally need a chainguide, although some say they get away with it, especially if you use a singlespeed chainring (taller teath, no shifting ramps etc).

    you can also get really simple unobtrusive and light ones made of a plastic "finger" that attaches to your frame where your front deurallier would be and just stops your chain coming off when you're in the lower gears but I can't find a pic of one am.
    Everything in moderation ... except beer
    Beer in moderation ... is a waste of beer

    If riding an XC race bike is like touching the trail,
    then riding a rigid singlespeed is like licking it
    ... or being punched by it, depending on the day
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    Did it years ago but it was a 1x8 then.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • BorisSpencer
    BorisSpencer Posts: 786
    Done my winter hack/commuter. Left the middle and big rings on but removed shifter and mech. No tensioner. It means I can manually stick it in the big ring for tarmac munching.
    Northwind wrote: It's like I covered it in superglue and rode it through ebay.
  • JxL
    JxL Posts: 383
    I wouldn't advise 1x9 for an XC bike, you wount be able to get enough speed unless you keep a 32t ring.

    I have 2x9 and its okay for most XC stuff, although on road and downhill would spin out easily.