Wheel Upgrade-should I ??

bunnerscj Posts: 396
edited May 2009 in Road beginners
Hello everyone,
Got a set of Bontrager SSR wheels on a trek 1,7 2008
Wanting to upgrade the wheels cause everyone says the SSR's are heavy and flex - any thoughts, anyways-
What should I get for £200 - £250 max budget ?
Mavic Ksyrium Equipe ?
Fulcrums ?
Shimano Ultegra ?

What would you do ?
Thanks for any advice
'We go up we go down, this is bull sh*t yar'


  • peanut1978
    peanut1978 Posts: 1,031
    Planet X model B seem to get very good reviews

    in same situation as you at moment

    same bike 2009

    looking to upgrade ssr wheelset
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    Planet-X Model B's are excellent, and last week they were down to £99 form £157! Don't know if they still are, but they are bargains at either price. They are lighter than any sub £270+ wheelset, and they perform really well. Had a set since last August and they have been 100% reliable, bought a £99 pair last week for my g/f's bike (Trek 1.2) and they saved over 800g - she says they go like rockets!
  • peanut1978
    peanut1978 Posts: 1,031
    up to £175 now
  • bunnerscj
    bunnerscj Posts: 396
    Tried emailing planet X to see if I could get some at sale price - guess what, NO !
    Worth a punt though eh

    Can get Mavic Ksyrium Equipe for same price as Model B's, any thoughts ?
    Like the idea of mavic, good name and decent build quality, parts easily accessible, ie new bearings, spokes etc, had Mavic's on my MTB without any issues but new to this Road business !

    HELP !
    'We go up we go down, this is bull sh*t yar'
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    Planet-X's are 120g lighter (not a big deal?), but still worth the £175 I reckon. The hubs are really smooth and on the workstand they spin for an unbelievable time. No experience of these Mavic's but I expect they would be a sound buy. I am not sure spares are easily accessible, however, I have heard of people having trouble getting spokes.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I had the Mavic Equipes, good wheels but I'd get some used Elites at the same price or go for the model Bs, if you want factory.

    Otherwise Open Pro / Ultegra handbuilts are grand indeed, some of these deals look brilliant too, some nice Ambrosios...

  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    I have handbuilt Open Pro's on Ultegra's on my Audax bike, superb wheels, solid, reliable, and I know they will last for years (had them before) cost about £190, the Model B's feel a bit racier though. Where can you get Ksyrium Equipe's for £175?
  • ohlala!
    ohlala! Posts: 121
    From experience upgrading wheels always have the biggest impact. As for recommendation I would go for Fulcrum Racing 5s. I know many people say that Fulcrums are loud but I have a trick to silence the freehub (ha ha ha..) I own the Racing 5s and am pleased with it, especially because it's easy to get replacement spokes just in case, and the hub require very minimal maintenance with regards to bearings. Now I'm thinking of replacing the bearings with ceramic ones and rebuilt the Racing 5s using DT aerolite spokes.

    May I also recommend ROL wheels, they are decently priced have great reviews and are lighter than most entry level racing wheels. The only downside however. they are only available from the US only.