Dent in seat tube. Calling Giant SCR owners

CTML Posts: 53
edited May 2009 in Workshop
Since buying the bike from my LBS i have always notices a long dent on the seat tube just below where the front mech clips on. being a beginner i thought this was part of the bikes design for front deraileurs and ignored it. After close inspection and a good 3 months later i started to wonder whether if my LBS gave me a duff bike. It is a 2008 Giant scr frame, so i'm just wondering if any owners could check their seat tube for peace of mind. Thanks!



  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    They all have it, otherwise the front mech would foul the seat tube - both the SCR and the OCR and TCR before it
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • CTML
    CTML Posts: 53
    Phew! Thats great thanks. thats something off my mind :roll: