Bike hire near Coventry

JohnnyTooBad Posts: 5
edited May 2009 in The bottom bracket
I'm going to be in Coventry on business next week (from the US), and since I can't take my bike, I was wondering if there are any shops in the area that will hire (rent to us Yanks) quality bikes?

Although I'm a MTBer at heart, I'm also a roadie and a commuter, so I think a road ride might be more convenient.

I've spent about 4 weeks over there at the end of last year during 2 different trips, and there look to be a lot of fabulous places to ride. You guys don't have shoulders on your roads, but your drivers are a whole lot nicer than ours (as are the people in general)



  • SpinningJenny
    SpinningJenny Posts: 889
    You guys don't have shoulders on your roads, but your drivers are a whole lot nicer than ours (as are the people in general)


    OMG. I'm stunned.

    I can't help with the bike hire, but :shock:
    Ned Flanders: “You were bicycling two abreast?”
    Homer Simpson: “I wish. We were bicycling to a lake.”

    Specialized Rockhopper Pro Disc 08
  • ColinJ
    ColinJ Posts: 2,218
    Hi John.

    If you don't have any luck in Coventry itself, you could contact Stratford Bike Hire. They say that they will deliver bikes to Coventry and pick them up at the end of the rental period.
  • You guys don't have shoulders on your roads, but your drivers are a whole lot nicer than ours (as are the people in general)


    OMG. I'm stunned.

    I can't help with the bike hire, but :shock:

    It's true. I promise. I live in the suburbs of Washington DC. Traffic hell and full of overly important people constantly in a hurry to be wherever.
  • ColinJ wrote:
    Hi John.

    If you don't have any luck in Coventry itself, you could contact Stratford Bike Hire. They say that they will deliver bikes to Coventry and pick them up at the end of the rental period.

    Thanks for that, Colin!!