Getting stuck into the BBC (MSR)

PostieJohn Posts: 1,105
edited March 2009 in Pro race


  • dave_1
    dave_1 Posts: 9,512
    I emailed to ask they cover it properly and said introducing the sport to a wider audience could mean more people try cycling, cleaner line with BBC aims..think every cyclist in the country shoud swamp the national daily papers with emails about covering Cav's wins...
  • Philip S
    Philip S Posts: 398
    Was anyone listening to the Today programme on Radio 4 this morning? At the end of the sports bulletin at 7.25am they said they'd be covering the track woirld championship in detail during the 8.25am bulletin. I had to leave for work before then so don't know if Cav and M-SR got a mention. If so, it's a shame it's in the context of the track, but it would be a start I suppose...
  • Slow Downcp
    Slow Downcp Posts: 3,041
    Another mention of Lance's injury on Radio 1 news this morning - still nothing of Cav :evil:
    Carlsberg don't make cycle clothing, but if they did it would probably still not be as good as Assos
  • woody-som
    woody-som Posts: 1,001
    watched BBC breakfast, what did Cav win? not heard a thing. but they did mention the track cycling.