Fitting a Deda Dog Fang

Coach H
Coach H Posts: 1,092
edited March 2009 in Workshop
About to fit a Deda Dog Fang but there are no instructions provided on the exact placement.

Does it go in line with the chain on the lower ring?

Does it go just proud of the top of the chain in the lower ring?

Does it go above the chain on the lower ring? (This does not seem right but you never know)

Have studied this photo but it does not show it quite clear enough. Or is this because exact positioning is not required?

Any help gratefully recieved

Coach H. (Dont ask me for training advice - 'It's not about the bike')


  • FCE2007
    FCE2007 Posts: 962
    edited March 2009
    I fitted mine just proud of the small ring.
    Close enough to prevent the chain dropping off but just far enough away to allow normal shifting to the small ring.

    It has never come into play but at least it's there should the need arise :wink:
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  • ColinJ
    ColinJ Posts: 2,218
    FCE2007 wrote:
    I fitted mine just proud of the small ring.
    I guess my photo isn't too clear either.
    Close enough to prevent the chain dropping off but just far enough away to allow normal shifting to the small ring.

    It has never come into play but at least it's there should the need arise :wink:
    I don't know what the gobbledegook is in that URL but it doesn't work for me!

    I'm quite interested to see the picture because I ordered a Dog Fang yesterday, having dropped my chain off the granny ring three times on a ride on Sunday.
  • FCE2007
    FCE2007 Posts: 962
    edited March 2009
    Still not an ideal photo. I won't give up the day job :lol:
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  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    My bike came with one fitted by Epic (didn't ask for it but it was a pleasant surprise when I noticed it after a week or so) I'll have a look tonight and see where exactly it is.
  • ColinJ
    ColinJ Posts: 2,218
    Well, I've got my new Dog Fang fitted but I've not had a chance to try it out yet.

    It obviously has to go with the 'fang' pointing towards the front of the bike, otherwise you wouldn't be able to use a screwdriver on the fixing bolt.

    I had to fit a longer bolt - the one supplied just wasn't long enough. I definitely have the right size Dog Fang - it's done up nice and snug now.

    Looking at those photos, I think I might have fitted mine a smidge too low. I've got it alongside the top of the chainring teeth. It would probably be better located so that the chain can fall off it onto the chainring. I'll raise it by a few mm.

    It's strange that they produce a product without any instruction leaflet. Even stranger - mine came in packaging that didn't even display the product name or what size tubing it was designed for. (The size is stamped on the Dog Fang itself but it's hard to see when it is still in the packaging.)
  • MAMB
    MAMB Posts: 121
    There is an 'instruction leaflet' of sorts on the Deda website (click on the union flag symbol). Not that useful though ...
  • Coach H
    Coach H Posts: 1,092

    If only I had had a chance to fit my Dog Fang before last night I may have saved you the trouble of using a longer bolt.

    I think I had the same issue as you. Regardless of how I tried to fit this device I could not get the screw to engage with the nut. After 30 mins of swearing and throwing I finally worked it out. Off the bike completely tighten down the screw. This draws the nut into the body of the Dog Fang and hey presto the supplied screw now fits easily :D If only I had known this before the frustrating half hour.

    I have mine fitted to 2-3mm of the outer plates of the chain(with the chain on the big sprocket of the cassette) with the mid-point of the prong level with the top of the chain. Tried for a good 20 minutes out in the street to throw the chain off and couldn't manage it, although some of the neighbours thought I was mad riding up and down the cul-de-sac for 20 minutes muttering to myself and looking straight down :wink: ) I did however have some chain lube showing on the fang so I assume the chain had contacted it at some point and presumably been deflected back onto the chainring.
    Coach H. (Dont ask me for training advice - 'It's not about the bike')
  • cq20
    cq20 Posts: 207
  • ColinJ
    ColinJ Posts: 2,218
    Coach H wrote:

    If only I had had a chance to fit my Dog Fang before last night I may have saved you the trouble of using a longer bolt.

    I think I had the same issue as you. Regardless of how I tried to fit this device I could not get the screw to engage with the nut. After 30 mins of swearing and throwing I finally worked it out. Off the bike completely tighten down the screw. This draws the nut into the body of the Dog Fang and hey presto the supplied screw now fits easily :D If only I had known this before the frustrating half hour.
    Ah, that makes sense! I think I'll put the old bolt back on and try again since the long bolt looks a bit naff sticking out of the back of the Fang.
    Coach H wrote:
    I have mine fitted to 2-3mm of the outer plates of the chain(with the chain on the big sprocket of the cassette) with the mid-point of the prong level with the top of the chain. Tried for a good 20 minutes out in the street to throw the chain off and couldn't manage it, although some of the neighbours thought I was mad riding up and down the cul-de-sac for 20 minutes muttering to myself and looking straight down :wink: ) I did however have some chain lube showing on the fang so I assume the chain had contacted it at some point and presumably been deflected back onto the chainring.
    According to the instructions that cq20 linked to, the gap should only be about 1 mm, but I find the rear-view diagram misleading. It seems to show that the Fang should be below the chain but I interpret the instructions as saying it should be level with the centre of it. I certainly think that I've set mine too low.

    Hang on, I'm off downstairs to sort it out...
  • crankycrank
    crankycrank Posts: 1,830
    Coach H wrote:
    It seems to show that the Fang should be below the chain but I interpret the instructions as saying it should be level with the centre of it. I certainly think that I've set mine too low.

    It should be level with the chain otherwise the chain can still come off.
  • ColinJ
    ColinJ Posts: 2,218
    Coach H wrote:
    It seems to show that the Fang should be below the chain but I interpret the instructions as saying it should be level with the centre of it. I certainly think that I've set mine too low.

    It should be level with the chain otherwise the chain can still come off.
    Yes, I've just gone and replaced the original bolt (thanks Coach H - you were right - the nut just needed pulling into the plastic!) and looking at the Fang, it was obvious that it needed to be higher. I've got it level with the chain now, and as tight up to it as it will go without contacting the chain when in the biggest sprocket.

    Note - as the bolt is tightened, the front of the Fang is pulled closer to the chain. I started off with a gap of about 1 mm and it ended up rubbing the chain after tightening the bolt. I loosened it again and twisted the Fang round to give about 2.5 mm clearance which got reduced back to about 1 mm when I retightened it.

    There's absolutely nowhere for the chain to go now except where it is supposed to.
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    Finally remembered to have a look at mine. It's fitted so it's centred on the chain when on the smallest chainring, and with about 1mm clearance. The boys at Epic know ther stuff!