Chrome plated road frames

grpnpton Posts: 275
edited February 2009 in Workshop
I've been on the lookout for a decent large frame vintage or something more modern.what does it cost to replate an existing chrome frame


  • To replate an existing chromed frame you would have to remove the old chrome, then repolish the frame prior to rechroming. All this takes time and labour.

    Therefor I don't think it would be cheap.

    ((the finished product is only as good as the polished surface prior to chroming - therefore it has to be perfect))
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Probably more expensive that the value of the frame itself - suggest you look around for a NOS late 1980s / early 1990s frame on ebay - many of the classic Italian steel frames of that period are fully chromed with paint over the top e.g Tomassini, Daccordi, Gios, Colnago, Pinarello. Environmental controls on plating these days makes it an expensive option. Chrome isn't too corrosion resistant either - the best finishes involve copper, nickel and finally chrome plating, but that's an expensive and heavy process that requires good preparation.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • argos racing do it, but it aint cheap, check the prices here
  • Hi
    I have a new 61cm 753R Blue/White Ellis Briggs with chrome forks/rear triangle if you are interested PM me.Frame was made too big(my fault) and has ben cluttering my garage for years.