High Blood Pressure

kingrollo Posts: 3,198
edited February 2009 in Workshop
At a friends house I had a go(2 or 3 times) of a blood pressure monitor - I scored 170/90 - a lot higher than anyone else - surprising considering I was the most active person there.

I seem to recall that my bllod pressure was always borderline high - even in my 20's (45 Now) - everyone reckoned I should see my gp to get some medication to lower my BP - I wasn't convinced, I would rather excercise it down

About Me - the good
Non Smoker
Nominal Drinker
cycle to work 11 mile trip daily
at least 25 miles at the weekend

About me - the bad
I love crisps (but only about 4 bags a week)
I love eating
5ft 8 - about 12st 2

Should I be worried ? - I just reckon my make up - gives me high bp ?


  • I wouldn't worry too much, but it's always worth a trip to the nurses surgery at your Dr's.

    You don't sound to different to me in "profile"

    I'm about a stone(ish) lighter than your good self and do a fair bit more riding but, the point I'm making is:- While my BP is fine BMI fine HR fine my Cholesterol level is 8.8 :shock: (through the roof) should be a max of 5.0.

    I went to the Dr, my blood was sent off for more in depth analysis and it was confirmed I had high cholesterol. Given my life style as in:-

    I dont smoke
    Drink moderately
    Eat sensibly
    exercise regularly
    5' 8'' tall 11st 5lb
    BMI, HR, BP all fine.

    The Dr said "what recommendations can I make to you? Cholesterol is just one of several perameters used to assess a persons well being. Given your life style I wouldn't worry, but, we will keep an eye on it.

    It worked out MY increased chance of a "jammer" were 6%.

    If I were you I'd pop to the doc's you've nowt to lose my owd.
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • I have had very high blood pressure in the past.
    Going to the doctors surgery also increases my blood pressure by 10 pts :(
    I am 39, 6 foot, and 14 stone, with low cholesterol.

    I would recommend you go to the doctors and get your pressure checked.
    Following my high readings i had a monitor fitted for 24hrs
    which showed much lower readings when there weren't doctors stressing me.

    My blood pressure was also what prompted me to start cycling again,
    so its not all bad :)
  • julk
    julk Posts: 55
    I also had high blood pressure (170/110) discovered by my doctor on an unrelated visit.

    After monitoring for 24 hours (you wear a machine which takes the pressure every half hour) my blood pressures were still high, not just caused by 'white coat syndrome'.
    I was put on drugs to control my blood pressure and am still here some years later enjoying my cycling and able to post about it.

    Best to go and get checked out. Untreated high pressure can result in early death or disability from stroke and/or heart attack. The drug treatment prolongs your active life and has minimal side effects.

    Monitor your own blood pressure at the same time each day to see how you are doing. My waking blood pressure now averages 120/80 with the drug treatment and regular exercise.