Garmin 705 - downloading created routes from mapsource

jig Posts: 134
edited February 2009 in Workshop
Hi folks.

I am in the fortunate posiition of owning a 705 with the city navigator europe on 705. I have dowloaded the segments of europe I want onto the sd card. All good so far.

Mapsource with the city navigator europe has an excellent feature where you can create a route. Fantastic. I have gone and created several routes that I want to use as training runs.

Mapsources saves these routes as .gdb files (I save them to a folder on my desktop). I then try to use mapsource to send the routes to my 705.

It tells me this has been done. I disconnecte and reboot the 705. All good. I then look for the routes and can find them in : whereto / saved rides.

Not sure why they are there as I am new to this but at least it is there. I then try to send another route and look for that. The problem now begins as the second route seems to overwrite my first route.

For example, my first planned route in mapsource is called sunday run. I download this and can see it on my 705. I then create a route called saintbury hill. I download this (different file names so this is not the reason why they are overwriting). I then look on but 705 the second route despite being a different name has overwritten the first route. There is plenty of room on both the 705 and sd card.

Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong. Bascially I want to create routes in mapsource off my city navigator maps, and then send to the 705. I want to be able to keep a doxen or so routes that I create on the 705.

I have read all the other pages of the 605/705 debates on this forum today but with no luck on this one!

Thanks in advance to all that can help.


  • You need to save the route as a gpx (GPS eXchange Format) file, by doing a File | Save As... in MapSource. Make sure you save the gpx file to the gpx folder on the Edge, and the routes should then be visible and usable.

    Hope that helps.
    Alive at both ends, but a little dead in the middle.
  • blorg
    blorg Posts: 1,169
    You could combine the routes in a single Mapsource file before you send to the device. I didn't notice this overwriting behaviour myself though on my 705. Waypoints in particular hang around long after I would like rid of them.