Ergo handlebars, why don't people like them?

on-yer-bike Posts: 2,974
edited February 2009 in Workshop
Is it the shape or something more serious? I need some new bars and can't decide on FSA Compact pro Wing or K-Force or PRO VIBE ergo.


  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    IMO, ergo bars are not particularly 'ergo' in reality. I'm now using a pair of FSA compact and I think they're excellent...
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    The angles are never right or the straight bits aren't long enough.

    Give me Classic round bars or FSA/ergonova/Pro compacts any day.
    I like bikes...

  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    My hands are too big for the ones I've tried, so that each edge of my palm is right on one of the tight corners, which hurts.

    I love my FSA Compacts though, I have Omega Compact bars on both of my road bikes.
  • blorg
    blorg Posts: 1,169
    They have to fit you. If the particular ergo shape doesn't fit you they are worse than traditional round bars. With a shape that suits however I prefer them. I am very happy for example with the shape of Pro Pilot, Bontrager, and Specialized bars, medium with the Ritchey shape, not so happy with Concept (Focus), BBB and Giant bars.
  • Birillo
    Birillo Posts: 417
    Ergo handlebars, why don't people like them?

  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    Birillo wrote:
    Ergo handlebars, why don't people like them?


    What's fashion go to do with discomfort?
    I like bikes...

  • Mettan
    Mettan Posts: 2,103
    whyamihere wrote:
    I love my FSA Compacts though, I have Omega Compact bars on both of my road bikes.


    I recently fitted some FSA Omega Compacts - excellent, budget bar - they enable me to have my hoods & tops low, without the drops being ridiculously low - very pleased - nice to have a shorter reach aswell.
  • teagar
    teagar Posts: 2,100
    Doesn't look as nice 8)
    Note: the above post is an opinion and not fact. It might be a lie.
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    The problem with some ergo bars is that they have limited handhold positions - if you get the reach and such bang-on they're great, but if not, they're a real pain - the drops are too short. A lot depends on the position of your levers - I ride most of the time on the hoods, so set them up to be right. Compact bars are great - the longer lower section means you have plenty to hold and the shallow vertical drop means it's easier to switch positions.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • on-yer-bike
    on-yer-bike Posts: 2,974
    It looks as though the compact bar is going to become very popular everyone seems to rate them. My LBS is a Bianchi dealer and nearly all the 09 bikes have FSA compacts on them.
  • I've got Ergo EC90s on my SC Roadster (came with the frameset. If I have my hands on the "ergo" bit of the drop (the staright section at about 45°) I can't reach the brake levers... I have to push the web of my thumb into the top bend, then its OK.

    I spend most of my time on the tops/hoods so its liveable with. Especially when new, equivalent spec bars are £150+
  • What's the difference between an ergo bar and a compact bar?
    It doesn't get any easier, but I don't appear to be getting any faster.
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862



    I like bikes...

  • Cheers... and the pros/cons?
    It doesn't get any easier, but I don't appear to be getting any faster.
  • graham_g
    graham_g Posts: 652
    A quick note on compacts - they aren't all made equal!

    I have had FSA Omega compacts and found them really quite uncomfortable due to the large radius bend from tops to hoods and the short reach. This meant that there was nothing to grip on when honking except for the brake levers.

    As a result I ordered two different bars for comparison - Pro PLT compacts ( ... ebars.html) and 3T Ergosum bars ( ... ilyID=2387)

    These both had a much tighter radius bend but the 3T's had a slightly longer reach so I kept those.
  • Compact bars have a shorter distance to the drops, which is more comfortable for some riders, however, you are sitting higher in the drops, which is bad for aero.

    but I agree with birillo, a lot of this is fashion. When ergo came out , everyone loved them, then everyone went back to "classic", now "compact" is cool.

    Also, different shifters influence bar shapes. Few talk about this.
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    you are sitting higher in the drops, which is bad for aero

    You are making assumptions - I use compact bars so I can have the hoods pretty low and still have the drops usable.
    I like bikes...

  • k-dog
    k-dog Posts: 1,652
    I have had FSA Omega compacts and found them really quite uncomfortable due to the large radius bend from tops to hoods and the short reach. This meant that there was nothing to grip on when honking except for the brake levers.

    That's a good point. I've got Bontrager compact bars on my Trek and they feel a little short - exactly what you said about only holding the brakes.

    Those second ones you posted look good - a normal reach but a shallow drop. Might have a go.
    I'm left handed, if that matters.
  • Hi
    Got rid of my ergo planet x-bars and brought the FSA compact K Wing bars.
    These are much more comfortable both on the hoods and on the drops for myself.
    I use the drops much more now. I would recommennd the compact bars over ergo bars definately.
  • the point about compact bars is that they allow you to get more aero in the hoods while still spending as much, or even more, time in the drops.
  • kozzo
    kozzo Posts: 182
    Is it the shape or something more serious? I need some new bars and can't decide on FSA Compact pro Wing or K-Force or PRO VIBE ergo.

    I like them.
  • proto
    proto Posts: 1,483
    Deda Newton Shallow Drop bars anyone? Works for me! ... W_DMP.html
  • you are sitting higher in the drops, which is bad for aero

    You are making assumptions - I use compact bars so I can have the hoods pretty low and still have the drops usable.

    Yes, but seriously, most casual riders and weekend pro-wanna bees spend very little time in drops.

    I have Compact 3Ts, the curve works very well with Campy 09. Classic bends don't seem to work as well for me with Campy.

    And they look cool. I avoided these bends in CF, but now that there are some very nice hydroformed aluminum bars on the market, I'm in.

  • huggy
    huggy Posts: 242
    I find my 3T Ergosum compacts much better than my old Giant Ergos - Feel much comfier on the drops and also look nicer :)
  • djb1971
    djb1971 Posts: 565
    I would recommend anyone who isn't 100% comfy on ergo drops to try compact bars. The hoods are still nice and flat but the drop section is more easily reached with comfort and your knees don't have to go into your chest, or have a kink in your wrist to grab the bars. You can still get a perfect aero position by bending more and tucking in.

    The FSA ones can be had for £15 or less, well worth a try