Short sightedness
[rant] Was out for a ride this morning, passed through Sawbridgeworth on the way out and, on the way back punchered just outside the town. Had an inner tube, but no pump with me (foolishly), so I thought I'd ask at the cycle shop ("Cycle King") I'd passed on the way through. I was gobsmacked when the woman behind the counter wouldn't let me use their track pump, which was stood out in full view. First off she tried to sell me a pump and tyre levers (for about £8 ), then offered to change the tyre for me (for £5.50), all the time giving me attitude and some "health and safety" bullsh*t. In the end she relented, probably due to the look of incredulity on my face and the fact I offered to buy some tyre levers. She wouldn't let me change the tyre in the shop though, I had to do it out front then bring the wheel back in to pump it up.
Now, I can see that they must have a few people coming through who "just need to...", but it strikes me her attitude was ridiculously short sighted. She got a couple of quid from me for the levers, but there's no way I'm spending money there again if at all possible, and I'm on here slagging them off. Despite having slated Evans before, they at least know how to play the long game. Just unbelievable. [/rant]
Now, I can see that they must have a few people coming through who "just need to...", but it strikes me her attitude was ridiculously short sighted. She got a couple of quid from me for the levers, but there's no way I'm spending money there again if at all possible, and I'm on here slagging them off. Despite having slated Evans before, they at least know how to play the long game. Just unbelievable. [/rant]
"And the Lord said unto Cain, 'where is Abel thy brother?' And he said, 'I know not: I dropped him on the climb up to the motorway bridge'."
- eccolafilosofiadelpedale
- eccolafilosofiadelpedale
More than "Cycle King" sounds like "Cycle Buffoon"... you are right, just unbelievable...left the forum March 20230
Some bike shops seem to have no idea about marketing themselves at the most basic level. I suppose it is all down to the natural helpfulness of the individual behind the counter.0