Turbo Trainer

ACMadone Posts: 300
edited January 2009 in Workshop
Hi All.

I'm looking to buy a turbo trainer with a budget of up to £150. Any recommendations?

Thanks in advance


  • I managed to get a Tacx Basic off Gumtree for £50. The modern equivalent is the Tacx Flow which you could get on your budget second hand. I think it makes a big difference for training/boredom to be getting some data back to work against.

    These models have speed, cadence and power feedback.
  • Tacx Satori. Nice and solid build. Stable up to 800 watts for hard intervals. No frills but you should be able to use HRM and speed to monitor your effort after a bit.

    Fairly quiet I'm told but I don't have any data to back that up!
  • GavH
    GavH Posts: 933
    Minoura V150 will do the job nicely. Does for me anyways.
  • Tacx Satori. Nice and solid build. Stable up to 800 watts for hard intervals. No frills but you should be able to use HRM and speed to monitor your effort after a bit.

    Fairly quiet I'm told but I don't have any data to back that up!
    I can second that, definitely quieter if you put a training tyre on rather than a road tyre.
    It's not the size of dog in the fight but the size of fight in the dog.
  • Wappygixer
    Wappygixer Posts: 1,396
    Tacx flow is the quietest trainer I've used to date.It has loads more functions than the Elite digital mag at around similar prices on the second hand market.
    I'm currently selling a new Tacx flow on Ebay at the moment, its minus the front wheel support and cadance sensor.