Rear derailleur hanger bent in fall

wilwil Posts: 374
edited December 2008 in Workshop
I just fell off this morning on the ice and bent the derailleur hanger so that the cage touched the spokes on the 3rd largest sprocket. I have taken it off and straightened it and all seems to be OK now. However I stopped at an LBS on the way home and was told it would better to replace the hanger because the bent one could have been weakened.

Are these hangers deliberately made from very soft alloy so that they bend or break to protect the frame? Is the LBS advice correct?

Are the hangers made by the frame maker and only fit their frames or are there standard patterns?

Should I go to the LBS and make sure its properly aligned?

The parallel carbon plate on the derailleur took the knock and is slightly surfaced damaged is it likely to break on me?
