Pink Cables - Yea or Nay???

alwaysOTB Posts: 151
edited December 2008 in Workshop
So I'm building up a matte black Cannondale CAAD 8, and have noticed these cables are half price at planet x, and they've got a good reputation for cables, but I'm not sure if they will be look good or just silly, so I thought I'd ask you lot....

On a matte black bike, with a black saddle and (almost definitely) white handlebar tape, would the pink cables look good or not???????


  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Hmmm - if you get some Rapha Recycling Race kit - it would look like team colours ?
  • maddog 2
    maddog 2 Posts: 8,114
    what the horse said.
    Facts are meaningless, you can use facts to prove anything that's remotely true! - Homer
  • Mister W
    Mister W Posts: 791
    Nooooo, not white bar tape. That'll look manky in no time at all.
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    Yeah sounds good without the white handlebar tape. Great for the first five minutes.
  • robbarker
    robbarker Posts: 1,367
    I'd go for the all-black stealth look personally, but if you need to bring a bit of eurocyclist bling to the plot it might look alright, albeit a bit kitsch. (I don't know what that means but it seemed like the right word to use).
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    White handlebar tape is fine - mine has stopped white. I've only changed it when I've crashed and ripped it. Fizik stuff is easy to keep clean.
    I like bikes...

  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    Black, white and pink. It's going to look like a liquorice allsort. See if Bassetts will sponsor you?
  • biondino
    biondino Posts: 5,990
    Yay yay yay! Totally go for pink cables. Invisible bikes = invisible personality.
  • BMCCbry
    BMCCbry Posts: 153
    Sounds like a great idea to me... 8)

    But then I'm a girl! :D
  • Mister W wrote:
    Nooooo, not white bar tape. That'll look manky in no time at all.

    Wiping it down with either

    a) CIF
    b) Baby wipes

    Brings my white bar tape as good as new.
  • why not pink tape and pink cables?

    Def get the pink cables.

    And eat quiche too.
    Roadie: Focus Cayo - FCN 4
    Commuter hack: Fixed Langster - FCN 5
    Winter hack: Battered Sirrus - FCN 9
  • God how many times!! White bar tape is definitely the only acceptable bar tape colour. Pink cables are awesome too. All black bikes do not make you look bad-ass. Although the pink tape with pink cables would be an acceptable compromise.
  • keef66 wrote:
    Black, white and pink. It's going to look like a liquorice allsort. See if Bassetts will sponsor you?

    Sorry I had to laugh.
  • W5454
    W5454 Posts: 133
    Pink tape!!!
    Are you GAY?
  • I'm definitey not going to go for pink tape.... white tape is (lets say) a given.

    And no, I'm not gay.

    So, just for the cables by themselves, yea or nay????
  • JonBurns
    JonBurns Posts: 212
    I bought some of these when I bought a PX pink alu stealth frame. It's for my wife but having part built it the cable looks ace!!

  • 6288
    6288 Posts: 131
    NAY ... unless ur riding kit with pink in it ...

    why not get white cable outers?

    what colour of kit do you have ... try matching the tyres/tape and possibly saddle to this ...

    and if u don;t want kit specific ...

    if the bike is all black including decals then just make the whole thing black ... if it has coloured decals then match the tape and or cable outers to that

    some boy on here was showing off his Look bike recently ... see that for an example (he got the tape wrong tho .. shoulda used white or red to match the decals)
  • ACMadone
    ACMadone Posts: 300
    W5454 wrote:
    Pink tape!!!
    Are you GAY?

    Only real men wear pink!!!
  • trio25
    trio25 Posts: 300
    I have pink cables and pink handlebar tape, love it!