Chain rusting on brand new Trek 1.5 2009

Soni Posts: 1,217
edited November 2008 in Workshop
Hi guys, i've just purchased a new Trek 1.5 2009 model, only picked it up a week ago last Saturday but this morning i've noticed the chain is caked in light colour brown rust!

I've rode it everyday since i picked it up, ride for about 45 minutes every morning rain or shine, but i wouldn't have thought the chain would have rusted that quickly?

Is there anything i can do? I haven't put any oil on it as its a brand new bike and would have thought it would have had enough lubricant on it for a good while....

Is this a result of me not oil it? What do i need to do to it now to prevent any further rusting? And is there anything i can do to get rid of the rust allready on it?

Also - if its cause i haven't oiled it, what oil would you recommend? I don't like the idea of the chain and casette going all black and caked in black oil......
