Help me identify this Campag rear hub - what freehub options

plug1n Posts: 204
edited October 2008 in Workshop
I picked this 36h Campag rear hub up in a job lot, seems never to have been built.

Can anyone tell me what exactly it is and what my options are for a freehub?

(sorry for the grotty pictures)

Weight is 250gm.

Ideally I'd like to put a Shimano-compatible cassette on if I decide to build it up.




  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Looks like a Mirage or Veloce hub and therefore you may have difficulty getting a Shimano-splined freehub for it. Suggest you look at the technical docs on the Campagnolo website - they have comprehensive diagrams of all the components that will probably enable you to identify the hub model and whether the freehub you are after is available.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • fast as fupp
    fast as fupp Posts: 2,277
    ive got a shimano splined freehub that should fit that hub (mine came off a vento wheelset that i converted to campag freehub)

    if youre interested-let me know
    'dont forget lads, one evertonian is worth twenty kopites'
  • scherrit
    scherrit Posts: 360
    Try velotech once you've got a part number, they are absolutely ace at getting the right parts, if it exists, then they'll get it for you.

    I believe that there is a shimano carrying free hub body for most campag hubs. Most if not all of the G3 wheels have that option.
    Good luck.
    If you're as fat as me, all bikes are bendy.
  • Rob Sallnow
    Rob Sallnow Posts: 6,279
    Shimano splined freehub body is, as far as I know, only available on hubs that take the Record class oversized axle.
    I'd rather walk than use Shimano
  • plug1n
    plug1n Posts: 204
    Thanks for the pointers.

    It's a bit hard to be exact from the Campag site and it's spare part diagrams but looks like something low-mid range from ~1995.

    The axle is graded as follows:

    - 14mm at the drive side flange (i.e. where the ratchets are)
    - 12 mm toward the outside of the freehub
    - 10 mm through the fork ends

    @Willier - does your freehub match these dimensions, if so then it sounds like a good option?