Team GB Road Kit

Elushion Posts: 115
edited January 2009 in Workshop
Anybody know where I can buy the team GB road kit?
"It was eleven more than necessary."

-Jacques Anquetil (after winning a race by twelve


  • I don't think you can buy it in the shops, it's only given out to team/squad members, best thing to do is keep an eye on eBay.
    'Hello to Jason Isaacs'
  • You can get them free - just need to train harder :wink:
    Carlsberg don't make cycle clothing, but if they did it would probably still not be as good as Assos
  • JC.152
    JC.152 Posts: 645
    I think its not seen as right for a non GB team member to ride around in the national kit, even though you see people in italia and other countrys kit
  • Aggieboy
    Aggieboy Posts: 3,996
    Elushion, good luck with finding the GB strip and if you do let us know. Wear it proudly showing your support and admiration for all the GB team.
    I can't stand the crap that's on this forum about not wearing 'elite' shirts whether they be World,TdF or Olympic when all someone wants to do is show their admiration for a team or individual etc. If they are not available here is a link to some that are, at least,in the right vain. ... lassid=110
    "There's a shortage of perfect breasts in this world, t'would be a pity to damage yours."
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    JC.152 wrote:
    I think its not seen as right for a non GB team member to ride around in the national kit, even though you see people in italia and other countrys kit

    Why can't people where what they want? Personally I don't see the problem wearing the kit, but I wouldn't wear it myself - the only national that I'd wear is the Swiss stuff and that's because it fits my colour scheme and is Assos.
    I like bikes...

  • JC.152
    JC.152 Posts: 645
    I didn't say I wouldn't wear it, I think its really good kit that stands out from other countries and hopefully on the track puts fear into the other nations
  • I know a guy with one of the tops - not sure where he got it - it's a nice kit and I think BC should sell it - can't see a problem and after all British Cycling is a members organisation which lots of us pay into so can't see why we shouldn't claim our little bit of success when we develop good riders - even if BC hasn't had a lot to do with developing most of them !

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    I don't see why wearing 'Team' kit is frowned upon...
    Nobody kicks up a fuss when they see someone walking about in a Premier League football shirt (usually a slob with a beer belly, too :shock: )
    Wear what you like, mate, if you can get hold of it.
    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!
  • Nobody kicks up a fuss when they see someone walking about in a Premier League football shirt (usually a slob with a beer belly, too Shocked )
    they don't kick up a fuss, no. But they laugh and point and think that if you're not playing professionally, or if you're not under 12 years old, you look retarded.

    showing your support and admiration for all the GB team.
    in what way? By wearing the kit they've earned the right to wear??
  • Sorry I'm old school on this one.

    You should only wear a national jersey, yellow jersey etc if you've earned the right to do so.
  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    Sorry I'm old school on this one.

    You should only wear a national jersey, yellow jersey etc if you've earned the right to do so.
    :evil: :evil:
    Does this school of thought apply to shoes, helmets and the nice bikes, too?

    I think we are entering dynosaur territory!
    Maybe I should rethink my new bike purchase and go for something more befitting my status.....I'll have to post a thread... 'Newbie: What slow/ heavy bike?'

    Just popped back to pick up my dummy! :oops: :oops: :wink:
    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!
  • Does this school of thought apply to shoes, helmets and the nice bikes, too?

    I think we are entering dynosaur territory!
    It would certainly appear that respect is a dying thing.
  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    Does this school of thought apply to shoes, helmets and the nice bikes, too?

    I think we are entering dynosaur territory!
    It would certainly appear that respect is a dying thing.
    Ok, calm head back on, and I aplogise to Barry Roubaix for my disrespectful outburst.
    But, it strikes me that to keep cycling going and encourage newcomers to the sport and clubs, we must move with the times.
    I don't want to wear a yellow jersey, or Team GB, King of the Mountains, or whatever, but that's my choice, and something we should all be free to excercise.
    It doesn't seem to affect other sports......
    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!
  • JC.152 Posted: 27 Sep 2008 19:11 Post subject:

    I think its not seen as right for a non GB team member to ride around in the national kit, even though you see people in italia and other countrys kit
    Barry Roubaix Posted: 28 Sep 2008 06:11 Post subject:

    Sorry I'm old school on this one.

    You should only wear a national jersey, yellow jersey etc if you've earned the right to do so
    I have to say that i do have great respect for everyone’s different opinions but I do think that cycling’s old fashioned ways do turn people away from the sport I cant understand what is wrong with wearing a team or national kit is it not the best way that we could all show our support. It also stands out a lot more than plain kit when riding on the roads around cars as several of my workmates have pointed out.
    "you tried your best and failed miserably. the lesson is never to try"
  • No worries on the outbursts - I've got thick skin. :)
  • Singlespeed - you are wrong about the football tops - if you wore a club top whilst playing nobody would think it was odd or think you were retarded - it's quite common for guys to wear a club top whilst training or playing 5 a side. Yes I think they look a bit crap worn as a fashion item but even then the only people I've heard mock them are people who consider themselves "lads" - football hooligans.

    As for earning it - well if it weren't for the BC members, the people that race at a lower level, the people that coach kids voluntarily, put on road races in their own time etc etc then there would be no sport for the likes of Cav, Wiggins and Millar to take part in - so if it's a case of having to earn the right I think lots of us have.

    Bottom line for me is I think it's a cracking looking kit and I'd wear it because of that - if others have hang ups about their lack of ability on a bike that's their problem.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • Singlespeed - you are wrong about the football tops - if you wore a club top whilst playing nobody would think it was odd or think you were retarded

    The other people wearing football tops might not think it was odd, I agree. That would be hypocritical of them. Other people would definitely think that you were a little strange.

    As for earning it - well if it weren't for the BC members, the people that race at a lower level, the people that coach kids voluntarily, put on road races in their own time etc etc then there would be no sport for the likes of Cav, Wiggins and Millar to take part in - so if it's a case of having to earn the right I think lots of us have.

    ooh...great. I'm a BC member, I race and I coach kids. I've obviously earned the right then. Can I also change my name to Chris Hoy and wear some fake gold medals?
  • osinglespeedexplosif Posted: 28 Sep 2008 10:01 Post subject
    oh...great. I'm a BC member, I race and I coach kids. I've obviously earned the right then. Can I also change my name to Chris Hoy and wear some fake gold medals?

    thats a bit of an OTT comment, i was with you on the first bit if you coach kids then its guys like you that are discovering the talent thats coming through now and making the uk the top cycling nation so you do have a right to wear and be proud to support our team who knows you may be supporting one of the riders that you coached when they were young
    "you tried your best and failed miserably. the lesson is never to try"
  • Having played football for years lots of people wear replica tops to play football in and I can assure you it isn't thought of as odd at all. Go to any amateur club training session or group of mates 5 a side and you'll see plenty of people doing just that. Your claim that others would think it strange is just not true. It's just like lots of cyclists will have a replica trade team top - I've never heard anyone mock that.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • Your claim that others would think it strange is just not true

    no, it's true alright. Perhaps your fellow football types might think nothing wrong with it. I know many many people who don't play who thinks that an adult wearing a replica top is risible.

    [note - I should point out that I think football is odd to start with ;P ]
  • graeme_s-2
    graeme_s-2 Posts: 3,382
    There's a GB national jersey here, but it doesn't look quite like the one the riders are wearing: ... ey-2008-1/
  • Your claim that others would think it strange is just not true

    no, it's true alright. Perhaps your fellow football types might think nothing wrong with it. I know many many people who don't play who thinks that an adult wearing a replica top is risible.

    [note - I should point out that I think football is odd to start with ;P ]

    Oh right so people who don't play football have an opinion on what footballers wear to play the game in - and this is a conversation you've had with many people ? I find that a bit unlikely.

    I suspect that some of them find people wearing a replica top as a fashion item - indicating devotion to a team that is happy to fleece them for as much as possible - is risible - but to laugh at wearing a football top to play football in seems very odd to me.

    Presumably you also find the wearing of any replica cycling kit equally risible - in which case you must either keep your gob shut about that or not be that popular with other cyclists.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • "looks retarded"

    wow, i love that you staunchly defend some sort of old school respect rule regarding wearing kits but you deem it acceptable to describe someone wearing a kit as 'looking retarded'
  • robbarker
    robbarker Posts: 1,367
    Graeme_S wrote:
    There's a GB national jersey here, but it doesn't look quite like the one the riders are wearing: ... ey-2008-1/

    I won't be buying the jersey but the model for the bobteam women's kit has been duly posted to the girls in lycra shorts thread in cakestop....
  • squired
    squired Posts: 1,153
    GB Cycles ( used to sell them. No idea if they still do though, but it might be worth givng them a call.

    I think the whole not wearing these jerseys thing is a little silly, especially when we are talking about a national jersey. There is nothing wrong with showing pride in being British, and that is how I see wearing the GB jersey.

    Sometimes the trade jerseys are actually cheaper than the non-trade versions, which also often look rubbish. I know that in the past I've bought a few trade jerseys as they were marked down due to it being end of season and the non-trade alternatives being rubbish.
  • I can understand people wanting to buy trade jersies and I suppose buying the national GB jersey would be good to wear at world championship events to show your support - BUT I hope everyone would agree that buying National champ jersies, Yellow/Polka dot/Green jersies and the Rainbow jersey is a big NO-NO.

    If you see anyone out in one of the above they should be publicly humiliated. In fact spray them with PSP22, that'll show them.
  • Oh right so people who don't play football have an opinion on what footballers wear to play the game in - and this is a conversation you've had with many people ? I find that a bit unlikely.

    sorry....are you seriously telling me that
    1) people who don't play football don't have an opinion on what footballers wear to play the game in?
    2) what conversations I have or haven't had?

    wow. Can you tell me next week's lottery numbers please?

    Presumably you also find the wearing of any replica cycling kit equally risible - in which case you must either keep your gob shut about that or not be that popular with other cyclists.
    see my previous comments on this thread.

    but you deem it acceptable to describe someone wearing a kit as 'looking retarded'

    hmm..good point. apologies for that one. I mean ridiculous, the actual quote was a bit childish.
  • sensible, or ridiculous. you decide..? ;P


  • hammerite
    hammerite Posts: 3,408
    OK I welcome you all to point, laugh, spray me in PSP22 and humiliate me in any which way you do (hell I might enjoy it, I've heard lots of people do!).

    I own a couple of trade team jerseys, I own a number of football shirts, and judging by this thread I must be one of the only people to have our national cycling jersey (albeit the one sold on the German retail site mentioned previously) - and I haven't earned the right to wear it (unless you call earning the money which paid for the jersey).

    I happened to buy the British jersey which I found for sale in a French cycling shop for about £20, for that price any cycling jersey is generally good value! I also knew they were reasonably hard to find so bought it. But I don't see the problem in wearing it while cycling.

    Will it be OK with the majority here to wear a British cycling jersey if as they're planning they start competing with trade teams? :?
    We are in an increasingly commercial world, football teams started to realise that to compete money is needed, so sales of replica shirts help funding in all manor of ways (from direct sales, to increased exposure for sponsors). Should British Cycling also look to profit from this if it can? after all they now have Sky as a sponsor.

    Times change, there's nothing wrong with it.

    BTW, cricket teams sometimes play in different colours than white, but I'm not sure that the 20 over game will ever catch on :wink::lol:
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    I really don't understand the problem in cycling with wearing these "special kits", I'm from a rugby background and 90% of people wear a team/national jersey while training, there's nothing wrong with trying to emulate your heroes (or not) while wearing the kit.

    It's just snobbery really (However I won't wear any cycling team kit anyway as 90% of it looks rubbish)

    I can see the humour and inappropriate nature of wearing a polkadot jersey when you are a rubbish climber though.
    I like bikes...
