brake levers on top of drop bars
Is this done much, and if not, is it okay to do it instead of (as opposed to as well as) having levers where your hands are in the drop position? Basically, I want to fit some cheap drop bars to my hybrid bike to get a feel for riding in that position but I don't want to have to get new brake levers as well (plus my brakes are hydraulic discs and I understand that there are no hydraulic levers available for drop bars). I only plan to go into the drop position when confident I won't need to brake suddenly. I am assuming, I think correctly, that if I try to fit levers designed for a flat bar in the drop position that they will at best be uncomfortable and awkward to reach and at worst be unable to reach at all!
Sorry for a bit of a rambling post but I hope you understand my question.
Sorry for a bit of a rambling post but I hope you understand my question.
They won't fit. The bars are different diameters.0
Even one referred to as oversize? Or does that refer to something other than the diameter?0
Oversize refers to the part of the bar that the stem clamps on to. This tapers down to the diameter where the controls are attached. On a drop bar, the thinner section for controls is around 24mm, on a flat bar it's around 22mm, so your levers won't get onto the bar at all.0
thanks for your help! May just have to abandon the idea as it could become prohibitvely expensive!0