42/52 v 34/50

Leedsblue Posts: 102
edited September 2008 in Workshop
First trip out today on my new 34/50 chainset. Having used a 42/52 for at least 5 years (although not that much cycling) I was not used to changing rings so much. Normally I use the 42 for most things bar all out effort so today was certainly different.

Bit of a rub on the changer on the 34/23 combination ( I have a 13-23 cassette) but I might be able to adjust that out.

I went for a steep hill that I normally cannot make and I got much further but I failed overall because I did not have the confidence in the gearing as yet.

Overall I think it is a good move once I adjust to the new gears

I think this might be a good setup for aome of the Yorkshire Sportives come next spring.

FCN is minimal as I don't see many bikes on the way to work


  • W5454
    W5454 Posts: 133
    I changed to a 50t-34t this year and find it more usable than 53t-39t.When the 50t wears out I'll replace it with a 48t.I have 11t-28t on the back.
  • I have much more fun with a 50/34 than a 53/39 (with a 12-25 cassette) in that for ~80% of the time I am in the 50 ring. I have found however, that I i) never use the 23/25 cogs (even on short 10% gradients) and ii) the drop to 34 from 50 is a bit harsh.
    So, if and when funds allow I may try and swap the 34 for a 36.....
    Singlespeeds in town rule.
  • 50 x 34 with a 12-25 is just finne foor me :D
  • If you're chain is touching the front der in 34-23, it should be adjusted out, as that gear is paramount to super steep stuff.
    the drop from 50-34 is pretty big. Best way to make the cross shifting smooth is when gaining speed and in the 34, shift four up in the rear, and then to the 50. or vice versa while needing to find the shorter gears of the 34. After a while, it becomes second nature, and can be done simultaneously without issue.
    I'm on a 36/50, 11-23, which is just about perfect. I have a 34/50 coming on new group, and will probably change that to a 36 also.
    Lately, I've been missing a 53 while bomming downhill over 35mph.
  • Very useful advice - thanks for contributing

    FCN is minimal as I don't see many bikes on the way to work
  • neeb
    neeb Posts: 4,473
    I have much more fun with a 50/34 than a 53/39 (with a 12-25 cassette) in that for ~80% of the time I am in the 50 ring.
    Yup, that's what I find too with 50/34 or 50/36. The only disadvantage is increased chainwear as it's easy to get into the habit of using most of the width of the cassette (I have 11-23) instead of changing down at the front for short hills.
    I'm on a 36/50, 11-23, which is just about perfect.
    Another vote for that combination!
  • 36/50 with 11-23 ... puuuurfect !!!
    spend 80% plus in the big ring ....
  • jhamlin38 wrote:
    Lately, I've been missing a 53 while bomming downhill over 35mph.

    I briefly ran a 53/11....going downhill....what a buzz.... :shock: :D
    Singlespeeds in town rule.
  • Having only recently bought a road bike (and not knowing too much about gearing) I've only recently realised that I'm running 52/39 and 12/25. I honestly thought I was getting 50/34! :oops:

    Having done the Southdowns Challenge yesterday and really having to grind up the big hills in my smallest gear, I think I really need to change to a 50/34 to give me a bit more chance to spin up the hills. I was incredibly jealous of those around me on triples! Unfortunately I guess that means that I'll need to change the whole crankset to go 50/34 - maybe something to save up for next year... Oh, and some new legs.
    Never argue with an idiot - they drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience