Stem angle help please

wilwil Posts: 374
edited September 2008 in Workshop
I need a shorter perhaps higher stem but not clear on the angles especially as different makers use different ways to measure. So assuming same length of 110mm, is an 80 degree ITM stem higher or lower than a Ritchey 6 degree stem? Is a 73 degree Ritchey stem unusually high?

By high I mean the steepness of the angle the stem rises.


  • Gav2000
    Gav2000 Posts: 408
    I guess the angles quoted are relating to a right angle (90 degrees) so a 10 degree stem may be called an 80 degree stem in another manufacturers language.

    A 73 degree stem is therefore probably a 17 degree stem which is quite a large angle for a road stem, mine seem to be 6 degree angles so give a slight up or down angle.


    Like a streak of lightnin' flashin' cross the sky,
    Like the swiftest arrow whizzin' from a bow,
    Like a mighty cannonball he seems to fly.
    You'll hear about him ever'where you go.