Cycle computer and parking sensors

p.ilchard Posts: 16
edited September 2008 in Workshop
After my bike's first trip on my new cycle carrier, the wireless computer no longer works. Could be a coincidence, but could it have been wrecked by the parking sensors? Has anyone else had this happen?


  • richa
    richa Posts: 1,632
    p.ilchard wrote:
    could it have been wrecked by the parking sensors?
    Don't think so. I presume the computer turns on? More likely the sensor has nbeen knocked away from the magnet?
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Cant see how parking sensors would knacker it ?

    More likely that the vibration of the trip on the car has shaken something loose or put something out of alignment ?
  • Yes, could be the vibration. But then that would surely have affected someone else too as parking sensors would not be a factor. I was hoping some electronics expert would contribute and explain it away with magnetic fields and radar. Until I obtain another one I won't be able to tell if the sensor or the display unit is at fault.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Have you got any readout on the computer ?

    If not - then new battery ?

    If you have, then is the magnet still close enough to the sensor ? You can usually hear a tick as it goes past.

    If thats OK- then maybe you need a new battery in the sensor.
  • Both batteries tested OK, numerous attempts repositioning magnet and sensor closer and further apart, including swapping to other side of the sensor is double-sided. Readout on display unit shows 0:00 mph, but clock OK. For a while it read 9 mph but the bike wasn't moving at the time!
  • ris
    ris Posts: 392
    what is the model? i have been through a couple of cateye wireless sender units after they have been knocked. in one instance it was just a drop to tarmac that seemed enough, although it had been attached during an off not long before without problems. when i shook the unit there was a light rattle that i assumed was a broken something inside.

    another one fell off and was run over by an artic. i didn't need to investigate that one as it was nearly ground flat!
  • nwallace
    nwallace Posts: 1,465
    I had the ferrite rod aerial in a Cat Eye sender snap with out ever dropping it.
    Do Nellyphants count?

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