Edge 605 Help

Data1959 Posts: 31
edited September 2008 in Workshop
Just got my edge 605 and have been planing routes in MapSource and up loading them into my Edge. But when out on a ride if i take a wrong turn the recaculates the route. this also happens if you cross the same piont say like a figure 8 pattern. Is there a way to turn this option off so it does not recalculate ????? driving nuts :evil:


  • First tip is to check out motion based http://forums.motionbased.com/smf/index.php as that's a specific forum for this type of question.

    Basically Garmin get us to use motion based to discuss things rather than giving a proper manual!

    I use the route tool on my 605 with no such problems as you describe. If you use tracks then it's a different story. to get effective routing on road you need the city navigator map set and use the route tool to plan a route. This way Map Source will calculate a predetermined route on road between points you click on the way round, you may be doing this already though.

    Also check you have used webupdater to get the latest software on the unit, early there were loads of complaints on Motion Based about similar problems. If you search MB you'll find loads on routing on 605/705.
