Have I put my Hudz on wrong?

jimmythecuckoo Posts: 4,719
edited September 2008 in Workshop
I have put my beautiful new Bianchi celeste coloured Hudz on the other week but I am not sure if I have done it wrong.

Does anyone have the campag ones? and if so did you trim off the plastic indents in side the hood itself?



  • gundersen
    gundersen Posts: 586

    they should fit into the slots
  • hmmm, I might take them off and try again. At the moment they look like they are poking through the side of the levers.
  • gundersen
    gundersen Posts: 586
    should fit tight round the levers
  • Jez mon
    Jez mon Posts: 3,809
    They are slightly looser than the campag ones, but they do fit quite well
    You live and learn. At any rate, you live
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    I don't like Hudz - I got some "Red" ones but they are more of a pastel pink colour, definitely not red.

    They don't fit too well either.
    I like bikes...

  • Jez mon
    Jez mon Posts: 3,809
    The one thing I don't like is the material, which feels like livestrong bands
    You live and learn. At any rate, you live
  • Monowai
    Monowai Posts: 329
    I don't like Hudz - I got some "Red" ones but they are more of a pastel pink colour, definitely not red.

    They don't fit too well either.

    I agree - the pics are misleading as they suggest they are almost "post box" red, not the pinky red they actually are.

    As for the bits inside, definately do not trim them off - thats what keeps the Hudz on straight. You may need to pull them around the shifter tighter.
    Cake makes me happy
  • i received my new pink hudz yesterday,to put onto my new pink bianchi bike............it has 10 speed ultegra shifters, but how do you put these things on?do you have to disconnect the gear cables etc? is it a major job?surely i dont need to take it to my LBS to be fitted do i? there are no instructions as to how to fit them! :cry:
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    You can fit hoods over the levers without removing them from the bars - but it can be hard work and need strong fingers. Wiping the inside of the hood with soapy water and wearing rubber gloves can help.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • richa
    richa Posts: 1,632
    7. How do you install the Hudz?
    That varies with each lever. Sram and Campagnolo compatible Hudz can be replaced without un-wrapping the bars. Simply fold the hood over like you do when wrapping the bars, and then hook a finger under the top side of the hood and carefully, but forcefully slip the hood over the front of the lever body. Install new Hudz the same way, folding the hood over in half, sliding it up the brake blade and then carefully, but forcefully, slipping it over the front of the lever body.

    Shimano requires that you remove the brake levers from the bars, and unfasten the brake cables to have access to the hood. Once you have freed your levers, simply 'unbutton' the tab at the front over the brake blade, and then gently slide the current hood back off the lever body. To get your new Hudz on, start by sliding the hood over the lever body on the top side first, and then once you have the hood hooked on the lip at the back of the lever body, pull the lower edge of the hood onto the lower edge of the brake lever body. Once the top and bottom are on the lever body, just carefully wiggle the hood forward into position so that the lugs on the inside mate with the recesses in the lever body, then 'button' the top and you are ready to reinstall the levers onto your bike and re-attach the brake cables.

  • Monty Dog wrote:
    You can fit hoods over the levers without removing them from the bars - but it can be hard work and need strong fingers. Wiping the inside of the hood with soapy water and wearing rubber gloves can help.

    Only if you made the right choice and went Campag....... :wink:
  • Mine still aren't flush on... might have to try again.
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    Got some grey Campag ones going begging if anyone wants a cheap set - looked lovely with silver tape on my Ti frame but not so pretty on a black Cervelo! :roll:
  • Try soaking them in hot water first, makes 'em malleable and therefore easier to fit. I love Hudz but Royal Mail have stolen my replacement pair.
  • richa
    richa Posts: 1,632
    I love Hudz but Royal Mail have stolen my replacement pair.
    Red Hudz would look good on some posties bike :lol: