Inline adjusters and mini V-brakes

andywgg Posts: 303
edited August 2008 in Workshop
have just got a Tricross Sport and have struggled like mad to get the front wheel on and off, as the mini v-brakes are a bugger to get de-noodled or whatever the word is, as they're so tight to the wheel. I understand there are some barrel adjusters that can allow you to loosen the cable a tad to make it easier to get the wheel out.

Are these easy to fit or is it a bike shop jobby? Are there any other ways of making it easy to get the wheel out other than letting the tyre down?
may the dawes be with you...



  • Pork Sword
    Pork Sword Posts: 213
    Hi Andy,

    forget about the barrel adjusters and try to get hold of a set of Problem Solvers "travel agents" which not only allow you to take your wheel out in the event of a puncture but also increase braking power and feel. I got mine for £ 32 for 2 sets (front and rear) from St Johns Street Cycles in Bridgewater in Somerset (they do mail order for a few quid postage so give 'em a call!)

    hope this helps...
    let all your saddles be comfy and all your rides less bumpy....
  • Thanks Porky - they seem to be sold out of those but they have something that looks similar called "v daptors" - how do they work? Do they just mean you can have the blocks further away from the wheel?
  • blorg
    blorg Posts: 1,169
    I'm waiting on the barrel adjusters myself - to be honest it would just be to have the ability to remove the wheel and to be able to adjust the brake as it wears without having to resort to the allen key and reclamping on the cable.

    Perfectly happy with braking performance, don't reckon I would need a travel agent (they are more necessary for standard V brakes I believe.) The only issue I would have (and it's not a problem) is that the Vs are a little "grabby" - does the travel agent address this?
  • You don't say which type of brake lever you have. I use Campag mini-Vs with Campag Veloce ergo shifters. With this set up you don't need 'travel agents'. However, I do have in-line adjusters primarily for ease of keeping the blocks close to the rim which you have to do with this set up. As to changing a wheel, I find the release on the ergo shifter gives enough space but then I use 28mm tyres. You could use the in-line adjusters to give a bit more space or just replace the wheel with the tyre flat and then pump it up.
  • blorg
    blorg Posts: 1,169
    A Tricross will have Shimano STI levers; I have Shimano 105 levers on my own bike with the Mini-Vs. Shimano STI levers don't have the release Campagnolo levers do. Where did you get the in-line adjusters BTW- my brakes were meant to come with them but they didn't and the seller is difficult to prod to be honest.