Tuition DVD's

Dizzy the Egg
Dizzy the Egg Posts: 153
edited June 2008 in MTB buying advice
I read on her a while back about tuition DVD by a Canadian guy, but I can't remember his name!!

Does this ring any bells?



  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Yep, he's called Ryan Leech, a top trials rider.

    it was probably me who recommended it!
    DVD is called the Art of Trials
  • Cheers, is it any good?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    It's an excellent DVD. It covers everything right from the basics, up to the inhumanly advanced techniques, and it does so in simple, clearly explained steps.
    I also like the way the techniques taught are relevant to each other.

    A must have for anyone looking to better their advanced bike skills I reckon.