Bianchi C2C Via Nirone 7 good bike or not??

trs1972 Posts: 8
edited August 2009 in Road beginners
I am thinking about buying my first road bike after years of cycling on a moutain bike. My commute is relatively short at only 7 miles, but am looking to cycle approx 30 miles on a weekend

I am leaning towards the Bianchi C2C Via Nirone 7 Aluminium Sora 9 speed Compact 2008 Road Bike from Evanscycles for £525.

Anyone got any reviews or thoughtd?

and yes I do plan to go to the shop to get the correct size


  • st68
    st68 Posts: 219
    ive had via nirone 7 carbon alu but with 10 speed campag an have rode lots of miles on it with no problems so far its quite a harsh ride but aluminium bikes can be
    cheesy quaver
  • sicrow
    sicrow Posts: 791
    I have a specialised roubaix so cannot comment properly, but a pal of mine has just bought the exact bike you are looking at and he is over the moon with it
  • gematkinson
    gematkinson Posts: 79
    i bought this exact bike in january.

    thoughts so far? i LOVE it. i came from a hybrid and i use it everyday to do my short commute (4 miles each way) in London. I then do about a 30 mile ride on the wqeekend. I love it it handles great and is a joy to ride. The only small niggle is that it comes with a sora groupset which is ok, but it needs to be indexed spot on. I just put it in for a stage 1 service after doing about 1000 miles on it, and im sure it will come back sweet as a nut.

    Go have a sit on one at evans, as i was going to buy the smallest size but i actually got a 50cm frame in the end as opposed to the very smallest size.

    you might eventually want to make small upgrades as i have once you get used to it, but it comes with decent enought stock components to get out there.

    It comes with look pedals which are not bad, but this means you have to wear a road shoe and cleat which arent very walkable. If your going to be commuting in a city id recommend some spd style pedals and cleats as this enable you to wear the mtb style shoes with tread on them meaning you can go into a pub/shop or whatever straight off the bike.

    Thats just my two cents but it sounds as though your usage is extremely similar to mine and i can say that its perfect for what you need it for. Not to mention how lovely they look! :-)
  • stueyc
    stueyc Posts: 518
    also have same bike...and agree it looks and rides beautiful

    but do also agree with the sora...when its setup indexing correct its good,but can be a bit of a pain at times,i find i have to slightly adjust quite regular to keep the indexing sweet

    ....but just stand back and take a nice long look at the bike and the small niggles just disappear!!
  • i got the veloce version which also has carbon fiber bits at the back too, but i suspect they're pretty similar!

    anyway, very chuffed indeed with it, surprisingly comfortable (this was my first road bike but i wasn't expecting that) and just great fun.

    the only problem i had was the seat post slipping, not sure if it was set up with the wrong paste or something by the bike shop but i went to a better one and got it sorted easy anyway.

    only done ~300 miles on it so far but i can't fault it yet ;)
  • jon208
    jon208 Posts: 335
    I got a Via Nirone Alu/Carbon Veloce about a month ago and have done about 300 miles on it so far. I love it! The biggest distance I've done in a day was 63miles - only the 3rd time out on the bike but it was really comfortable. You may need to get a size bigger than you expect, as I think they come up a little on the small side.

    Make sure you get a celeste one! :wink:
  • trs1972
    trs1972 Posts: 8
    I am going tomorrow to the shop to get the bike.

    I never thought I would spend over £500 on a bike
  • RedAende
    RedAende Posts: 158
    I got the Xenon version at xmas, i'd says its worth the extra £70 as 10 speed, the Sora is 9 speed. 10 speed is now the industry norm.

    My seatpost also slipped at first but just kept tightening it little by little and is OK.

    Completed a 70 mile run last sat in comfort. First time I have riden + 100km in over 25 years.

    Red Aende, Red Spesh Hardrock, Wine Mercian, Rusty Flying Scot
  • Juju_uk_68
    Juju_uk_68 Posts: 90
    I'm about to order one through the Halfords C2w scheme.

    Re sizing, I can't decide between a 50 cm or a 53.

    I am a 5'7 height, with iro 30 inch trouser measurement on the inside leg, so slightly shorter than average. From comparing with say the spech - a 52 would appear right for me, 54 too big. But I know with mtb's that spech size quite big.

    So is a Bianchi 50 really a 48 in someone elses range? I did manage to try a Boardman in Halfords, and would be a small frame rather than a medium which again, I believe is a 50cm.

    Who has what size, and what build are they?
    Bianchi c2c Alu Nirone 7 Xenon (2007) Road
    Orange P7 (1999) Road
    Diamond Back Snr Pro (1983) BMX
    Diamond BackSIlver Streak (1983) BMX

    Oh, and BMX is the *ultimate* single speed.
  • RedAende
    RedAende Posts: 158

    I am 5' 6", inside leg 30". traditionally I rode 20-21" steel frames. I thought the 50cm maybe a bit small but was wary that the 53cm would be too big and an uncomortable stretch.

    Well the 53cm is ideal. Not a huge amount of space between my jewels and the top tube when standing but sufficient. My LBS informed me that the frame size Bianchi use is not the actual frame size but the traditional measurement to theoretical top tube.

    i.e for me 21" x 2.54 = 53cm .

    As my previous post, just completed 70mile ride and with a few stops was out for 6 hrs.

    Red Aende, Red Spesh Hardrock, Wine Mercian, Rusty Flying Scot
    CHRISNOIR Posts: 1,400
    I'm 5' 8" with a 30" inside leg and a 53cm is great. I bought the C2C Via Nirone last year (with the 10sp Veloce) and I've found it great, a really comfortable ride (although I've not much to compare it to). Can't beat getting it properly fitted though, although I appreciate it's not always possible!

    Let us know how you get on, Bianchi buyers!
  • Have been thinking about this bike, dosn't seem very aggresive though so am not toatally sure. I would also try and get an aliminuim frame as people say cabon is weaker.
  • RedAende
    RedAende Posts: 158
    Have been thinking about this bike, dosn't seem very aggresive though so am not toatally sure. I would also try and get an aliminuim frame as people say cabon is weaker.

    This frame is aluminium, carbon fork, NOT a carbon frame.

    Red Aende, Red Spesh Hardrock, Wine Mercian, Rusty Flying Scot
  • trs1972
    trs1972 Posts: 8
    I did look at the Xenon but Evanscycles had none in the shop, nor any in the warehouse.

    So I decided to buy the Sora 9 speed edition, I have now had it for two weeks and am very happy with it.

    Have used it every day for commuting and have gone for 20-30 mile cycle rides on the weekend.

    Incidentally, I am 5ft10 and the staff at Evansycles recommended the 53" frame. Just thought that bit of info may help some people. Also, the bike gets a free service after 4 weeks

    Hope this helps, and thanks for all your advice
  • :D:D:D:D

    After saving up for about a year, I have just bought a shiny new Bianchi via Nirone Alu/Carbon with Veloce and I have to say it's absolutely stunning! The celeste colour is superb!

    I've never road biked before but went out last night, did a few miles and got back home with a big smile on my face - it's an awesome ride, very comfy, it rides like a dream

    Really looking forward to getting fitter and better over the next few months!
  • RedAende
    RedAende Posts: 158

    Bianchi via Nirone Alu/Carbon with Veloce and I have to say it's absolutely stunning! :D

    The celeste colour is superb! :D

    it's an awesome ride, very comfy, it rides like a dream :D

    Red Aende, Red Spesh Hardrock, Wine Mercian, Rusty Flying Scot
  • jimmythecuckoo
    jimmythecuckoo Posts: 4,720
    Got mine in April and I am very pleased with it.

    Well worth the money and (although it is a bit sad) I have joined the online owners club !
  • RedAende
    RedAende Posts: 158
    Got mine in April and I am very pleased with it.

    Well worth the money and (although it is a bit sad) I have joined the online owners club !

    didn't know there was such a thing but I have Celeste pump, tool bag, bottle, retro jersey, a bit sad too :wink:

    Red Aende, Red Spesh Hardrock, Wine Mercian, Rusty Flying Scot
  • cyberil
    cyberil Posts: 13
    My first post and my first road bike. After MTB'ing for 18 years I bought the Bianchi Via Nirone Veloce 5 weeks ago and although I don't have much to compare it with - it feels great and has given me a lot of confidence on the road - I did a sportive last Sunday and came 5th in my category. The only critisicsm I'm told is that the wheels are on the heavy side - well so am I :D
  • Juju_uk_68
    Juju_uk_68 Posts: 90
    Just bumping the thread -

    Having tried a Boardman 53 in a bikehut, and then a Fondriest in 49, I found generally 53 cm bikes fit me in saddle height fine, but the reach to the hoods is uncomfortably long to the point that it feels like "just managing to hold on" whereas the 50cm makes the hoods feel comfortable.

    I am an odd shape that if I buy a suit, I mix and match with a short jacket with regualr legs. So I have just ordered a Bianchi Alu Nirone Alu with Campag Xenon 10sp on 50cm. I know Bianchi size up a bit small, but if a bigger 53 is too much from another manufacturer, I cant see the Bianchi isint going to be so far out. Its not about the height but the reach. I hope my new toy is fine when it arrives. Oddly enough, my MTB is a Orange p7, of 99 vintave which is less upright and far more "arse over rear wheel, stretched over front" feel, but for an MTB that makes sense to me for balance over rough stuff.

    I'll let you know how I get on.
    Bianchi c2c Alu Nirone 7 Xenon (2007) Road
    Orange P7 (1999) Road
    Diamond Back Snr Pro (1983) BMX
    Diamond BackSIlver Streak (1983) BMX

    Oh, and BMX is the *ultimate* single speed.
  • User not in time sure action placed in box
  • Escargot
    Escargot Posts: 361
    trs1972 wrote:
    I did look at the Xenon but Evanscycles had none in the shop, nor any in the warehouse.

    So I decided to buy the Sora 9 speed edition, I have now had it for two weeks and am very happy with it.

    Have used it every day for commuting and have gone for 20-30 mile cycle rides on the weekend.

    Incidentally, I am 5ft10 and the staff at Evansycles recommended the 53" frame. Just thought that bit of info may help some people. Also, the bike gets a free service after 4 weeks

    Hope this helps, and thanks for all your advice

    Have to say I tried one out (although with the Campag group) and thought it was a lovely ride. Smooth, comfortable and very classy. Decent purchase IMO so hope you continue to enjoy.

    Incidentally I am also 5'10" and have a 53cm frame. Fit's me perfectly.
  • i bought this exact bike in january.

    thoughts so far? i LOVE it. i came from a hybrid and i use it everyday to do my short commute (4 miles each way) in London. I then do about a 30 mile ride on the wqeekend. I love it it handles great and is a joy to ride. The only small niggle is that it comes with a sora groupset which is ok, but it needs to be indexed spot on. I just put it in for a stage 1 service after doing about 1000 miles on it, and im sure it will come back sweet as a nut.

    Go have a sit on one at evans, as i was going to buy the smallest size but i actually got a 50cm frame in the end as opposed to the very smallest size.

    you might eventually want to make small upgrades as i have once you get used to it, but it comes with decent enought stock components to get out there.

    It comes with look pedals which are not bad, but this means you have to wear a road shoe and cleat which arent very walkable. If your going to be commuting in a city id recommend some spd style pedals and cleats as this enable you to wear the mtb style shoes with tread on them meaning you can go into a pub/shop or whatever straight off the bike.

    Thats just my two cents but it sounds as though your usage is extremely similar to mine and i can say that its perfect for what you need it for. Not to mention how lovely they look! :-)

    How much are they? I'm undecided about this or the Secteur.
  • Clum84
    Clum84 Posts: 196
    this threads like a year old
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  • pickled
    pickled Posts: 439
    You'll be lucky to find any at the moment.

    I'm 5'7 and also have a 53. It fits me fine. The 55 was way too big and the 50 felt like a BMX