New Frame Arrived! - and now another one! - and again!!



  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    ok - couple more pics of how the frame s looking with these cool Eurus wheels in it - although I admit it is a bit weird looking without tyres.

    rear wheel in the frame

    the bike on the workstand with wheels in place:
  • robbarker
    robbarker Posts: 1,367
    Does anyone else think that Eurus rear is a triumph of form over function?
  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    how do you mean? d you think it looks good?

    it is a little weird right enough - it only has 7 spokes on the non-drive side - you can't really tell that til you look close but it does!
  • heavymental
    heavymental Posts: 2,095
    They look good and they work don't they! What can you say.

    Just ordered mine! I'll be getting some free wheel bags with them aswell. Thought I better get in there before they ran out of stock on the wheels.

    Not too long and I'll be adding some pics of my own!
  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    cool - did you order from Ribble too?

    I ordered on Tueday morning and they arrived today which I thought was great - but they came with an apology note to say that they had just changed computer system and that in future I should be assured that they would be despatched within 24hrs

    I was pretty happy with order on tuesday arrive on thursday to be honest!

    Also - they come with Campag bags anyway (see the campag eurus thread) - so you don't want those scabby mavic bags!
  • heavymental
    heavymental Posts: 2,095
    Did they send you the free wheel bags aswell Gkerr? I wondered if they wouldn't bother as they already come in a pair of bags don't they!?
  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    no - the offer wasn't on - I got the 10% off and to be honest I'm not arsed about the mavic bags - the campag ones are cool - very sturdy things (more than I was expecting them to be to be honest) - but I mean, how many times will you use them - I don't intend to have the posh-bike with any other wheels on anyway so they will be folded up in the garage most of the time!
  • heavymental
    heavymental Posts: 2,095
    I have a pair of Mavic wheelbags already so I might put these ones on ebay to try and bring down the cost of the project by a small amount! I've rarely used mine, although they've come in useful a couple of times i suppose. Makes you look like a pro too!
  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    oh - thats a good point - I'd have stuck em on ebay too thinking about it...

    ah well - nevermind. - like I say - I was happy with the price and the wheels are well sweet!
  • heavymental
    heavymental Posts: 2,095
    Well yeh. You're not missing out though. Don't expect I'll get much for them. For a dreadful moment I thought I'd missed out on the 10% deal and was cursing myself for being such a procrastinator. Got to get in early on these deals sometimes as you never know when it'll suddenly dissapear from the website! I just got a bit lucky.
  • azzerb
    azzerb Posts: 208
    Wow that's truly lovely, you forget just how nice the Roubaix frame is, (and how comfy it looks!)

    And I can see what you mean about the huge flat spokes *bling*. You cutting the fork yourself?
  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    azzerb wrote:
    Wow that's truly lovely, you forget just how nice the Roubaix frame is, (and how comfy it looks!)

    And I can see what you mean about the huge flat spokes *bling*. You cutting the fork yourself?

    Thanks - I am indeed going to cut the forks myself - should be ok. going to cut it the length of all the spacers then I can play with the bar height before maybe shortening it again if need be.

    It's my birthday today so got some goodies to finish it off (in fairness i've been dropping very specific hints for ages)

    some rubino pro tyres with a red strip and tubes to go in 'em - they look great!
    some white cinelli gel bar tape to match the white saddle.
    some campag tools - the ultratorque extension thing and a cassette lockring tool

    and to top it all off - something i'd never have bought myself - a campag centaur carbon bottle holder!!!!! - it;s very extravagant and will match the carbon crankset just perfect...

    ...... that is as long as I can fnd someone with some stock of the carbon chainset!!!
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    gkerr4 wrote:
    and to top it all off - something i'd never have bought myself - a campag centaur carbon bottle holder!!!!! - it;s very extravagant and will match the carbon crankset just perfect...

    The Cages are beauties aren't they?

    I like bikes...

  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    damn you with your matching pair of exquisite cages.....

    they are very nice - but i'd never have bought them myself......
  • Mog Uk
    Mog Uk Posts: 964
    Happy Birthday :D:D
  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    cheers mate! - I feel like a right ole b'stard to be honest
  • azzerb
    azzerb Posts: 208
    Happy Birthday!

    Not tempted by the white version? That's what i went for as well (knowing how they'll turn grey even!)

    Those centaur do look rather stunning, going to leave it at 1 or get another?
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    I see you're going for the carbon look.
    It would appear that everyone on that side of the duck pond loves those campy,
    opps, campag wheels.

    Dennis Noward
  • Lagavulin
    Lagavulin Posts: 1,688
    Happy Birthday (twas mine yesterday).

    Have to say your build looks pretty stunning. 8)

    Way, way nicer than that off the shelf £2,000 Roubaix Expert with Ultegra I'm looking at.
  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    thanks lagavulin - i think it will lok the business when its done.

    the expert is a nice bike too - the same design frame as the s-works - the concept store in birmingham were doing the expert for £1199 just after new year - honest - £800 off it.

    that said - my build will be way under £2000 (well, maybe not way under - a bit though..)

    there are still a few places offering the s-works frame at around the £1000 mark (sigma are still listing them and JEJames have them for £1099 - ultegra would be around £340 (ribble) you don't have to spend a fortune on wheels - the ultegra ones that are on the expert are around £160 (ribble again) so this still leaves you £500 for finishing kit and still be under the off-the-shelf expert price.
  • coco2
    coco2 Posts: 44
    nice box but a brilliant lookin frame...
  • Lagavulin
    Lagavulin Posts: 1,688
    gkerr4 wrote:
    there are still a few places offering the s-works frame at around the £1000 mark (sigma are still listing them and JEJames have them for £1099 - ultegra would be around £340 (ribble) you don't have to spend a fortune on wheels - the ultegra ones that are on the expert are around £160 (ribble again) so this still leaves you £500 for finishing kit and still be under the off-the-shelf expert price.
    Thanks for the info. I may still look into it but I don't think I'm anywhere near competent enough for a self-build (I still take my bike in for a yearly service).

    I had a spot of good news this morning. I found a Wilier dealer a bit closer to home. Okay, its not exactly on my doorstep but Corbridge is much closer than Kendal! :o
  • heavymental
    heavymental Posts: 2,095
    Don't let that put you off. To be fair, I have a friend who's got alot of the tools and will help me out but I'm hoping I'll know a bike inside out once we've put it together. Its not too complicated and might mean you can take over the yearly service yourself!
  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    Lagavulin wrote:
    gkerr4 wrote:
    there are still a few places offering the s-works frame at around the £1000 mark (sigma are still listing them and JEJames have them for £1099 - ultegra would be around £340 (ribble) you don't have to spend a fortune on wheels - the ultegra ones that are on the expert are around £160 (ribble again) so this still leaves you £500 for finishing kit and still be under the off-the-shelf expert price.
    Thanks for the info. I may still look into it but I don't think I'm anywhere near competent enough for a self-build (I still take my bike in for a yearly service).

    I had a spot of good news this morning. I found a Wilier dealer a bit closer to home. Okay, its not exactly on my doorstep but Corbridge is much closer than Kendal! :o

    you should have a go - they aren't complicated devices - in fact they are pretty simple things and there is loads of good info out there - not least from this forum. - also - have a look at the groupset manufacturere websites - they are loaded with info on how to intall and setup their products - both shimano and campag have really helpful support sections on their websites.

    if you re serious about the roubaix expert at £2000 then just think - you could have a bike that you put togeter with your own hands for less and be a better spec!!!
  • Lagavulin
    Lagavulin Posts: 1,688
    Hmm, I 'm always pretty cautious with technical stuff.

    It's the reason I don't build my own PC - even though I know you can save a small fortune. I can install hard drives, DVD drives, graphics cards, RAM, etc. but wouldn't trust myself with a PSU and wiring up a motherboard.

    Likewise, I can keep my bikes roadworthy but that's probably about it.
    I suppose my dad could help. He was a keen cyclist in his youth and used to strip and rebuild his Flying Scot for fun. Not sure whether thingd have moved on a bit for him road kit wise but a couple of years ago he was certainly knew hisstuff when my old MTB's bottom bracket destroyed itself.

    I've taken great interest in yours and RedDragon's threads though. They've not quite taken me to the brink but I'd guess they've inspired others to consider self-builds.

    As for the Roubaix Expert, its in the picture but its not my first choice.
    I'm a rather smitten with the Wilier Izoard. I'd like Centaur or Centaur Carbon on it.
    I've got a set of DT Swiss 1850s that would need a freehub or cassette switch to make them Campag compatible, but having spent nearly £400 on them I'm reluctant to keep them for what will become my second/winter bike.

    Not sure what to do really. Suppose I've still got a month or two before that nasty film removes itself from the road and actually using a shiny new "best" bike becomes viable anyway.
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    I'm a Materials Scientist (student) at Manchester Uni (a select bunch). I had a few friends who were building their own PCs (Computer Scientists and Software Engineers), and I thought if they could do it I could. I did it in the end, using only info from the net.

    Building a bike is far easier than building a PC (and even a PC is easy).

    If you have any sort of mechanical aptitude (which most serious cyclists probably have), a bike is an easy build.
    I like bikes...

  • heavymental
    heavymental Posts: 2,095
    Grr. Ribble fked up my order. Overcharged me and didn't include my free Mavic wheel bags. Not that I needed them but if they're supposed to be there. I want them.

    Isn't it annoying when you spend a load of money and then when they arrive you're not happy because they've made a mistake. The wheels are great but I'm not happy. :evil:
  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    hmm - unlucky that mate - how come they overcharged you?

    have you got the Eurus then? what did you go for - the silver or the black?

    I ordered the groupset this afternoon - so hopefully i'll have some "action" build pics this week or weekend.
  • heavymental
    heavymental Posts: 2,095
    Went for the Silver ones. Had to go for the bling!

    They don't seem to have knocked the 10% off. You got yours for less than £409 didn't you? It was £399 + delivery on my invoice. Plus the missing bags. I'm sure they'll say they've run out of stock (offer was subject to availability) but they showed up on my order when it went to checkout so they should have come. Also I didn't get a confirmation email so I emailed them to give me a call about it. Which they didn't so I phoned myself and they said it was all fine. not very impressed. Hopefully they'll redeem themselves tomorrow when I call.

    Bit annoyed with shops generally. I think the German shop has left out a spacer for my Marchisio cassette so I've had to send them an email now too. I've had trouble free buying from private sellers and as soon as it comes time to get stuff from shops I get done over. Not impressed. :evil: Just annoying really. Can't be that hard to get the orders right!

    Look forward to the pics mate.
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    Went for the Silver ones. Had to go for the bling!

    They don't seem to have knocked the 10% off. You got yours for less than £409 didn't you? It was £399 + delivery on my invoice. Plus the missing bags. I'm sure they'll say they've run out of stock (offer was subject to availability) but they showed up on my order when it went to checkout so they should have come. Also I didn't get a confirmation email so I emailed them to give me a call about it. Which they didn't so I phoned myself and they said it was all fine. not very impressed. Hopefully they'll redeem themselves tomorrow when I call.

    Bit annoyed with shops generally. I think the German shop has left out a spacer for my Marchisio cassette so I've had to send them an email now too. I've had trouble free buying from private sellers and as soon as it comes time to get stuff from shops I get done over. Not impressed. :evil: Just annoying really. Can't be that hard to get the orders right!

    Look forward to the pics mate.

    Did you enter the voucher number? If you did, the correct cost would have come up before you clicked confirm on checkout screen.
    I like bikes...
